For the second time this season, Big Brother 18 is adding a special Friday night episode to the schedule. However, don’t expect this one, airing Friday, August 19 at 8pm, to feature another Battle Back competition.

CBS has confirmed that Friday’s episode of Big Brother 18 will feature a county fair including a special backyard concert from Grammy-winning reggae artist Ziggy Marley. If you watch the live feeds, you know this took place Monday night.

Besides the musical performance, the county fair will include plenty of games for the HGs to play to win prizes, punishments and even power. It’s unclear exactly what that means, but we do know that Jessie Godderz, aka Mr. PEC-Tacular, will be a part of it. He tweeted out the announcement, including a photo of him standing next to a dunk tank. Getting to dunk Jessie is undoubtedly a prize worth playing for.

bb18dunktank.jpgFrom the live feeds, we know that part of the prizes and punishments are deciding the Have-Nots for next week. Paulie, Victor, Michelle and James lost, so they will be Have-Nots next week, unless they’re evicted or HoH.

The special Friday episode is even more confusing since it will air after Thursday’s eviction. By all accounts, it seems like Paulie will be evicted, but he’ll still be a part of the county fair. Could this be a sign that production knows he has the Round Trip Ticket and will still be in the house? Those tickets expire on Thursday night and given the length of the season, at least one HG needs to return to the game in order for it to work out (unless there’s a Rewind button coming up).

Which BB18 HG Are You?>>

It will also be interesting to see what this “power” is. Big Brother 18 already has the Care Packages and now something new is being added? How many twists can they possibly cram into a single season?

Find out everything that went down at the county fair on a special Friday episode of Big Brother 18.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.