And then there ere three on Big Brother 14. After the shocking eviction of Shane Meaney, it’s down to nurse (posing as a kindergarten teacher) Danielle Murphree, 21-year-old engineering student and super fan Ian Terry and season 10 winner Dan Gheesling.

The final HoH competition is divided into three parts. First is an endurance challenge all three compete it. The two HGs who don’t win compete in a second part, and the winner of both parts will meet in the final quiz, which will be held live during the finale, to decide who is the last HoH that gets to evict one last person.

Part 1 began shortly after Thursday;s live episode ended.

I’ll be here throughout the night with updates on the competition. As always, times are PT, aka Big Brother 14 local time.

8:35pm: The live feeds returned and all three HGs are on hooks swinging back and forth, in a typical final 3 endurance competition.

8:38pm: There’s rain and they get dunked into water.

8:42pm: Dan says they’ve been on it for 30 minutes, so it probably started at around 8:10pm or 8:15pm.

8:44pm: Dan is the only one wearing long sleeves. Clearly he’s smarter than the other two when it comes to dressing properly for endurance competitions. Ian is in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, while Danielle has a short-sleeved shirt on as well with long pants

8:47pm: The HGs got dunked underwater and Ian swallowed some. Perhaps the benefit of fewer clothes is that you don’t have as much water weight to carry when you get submerged.

8:48pm: IAN FALLS OFF!

8:48pm: Well, that didn’t take long. Less than 40 minutes into the competition and it’s down to Dan vs. Danielle. This should be awkward given how angry she was after the live show when Dan evicted Shane.

9pm: Dan tells Danielle that he won’t be able to beat Ian in the second part of the final HoH (usually a somewhat physical task that involves memory of events from the season). So he’s trying to get her to drop so she can take on Ian in part 2. But will Danielle actually fall for Dan’s words yet again after being burned by him so many  times?

: This competition looks brutal. They get totally submerged in water, then it rains on them, then they get slammed into a wall.I’ll be shocked if it goes another 30 minutes.

9:10pm: Based on what Dan said, we’re at the one-hour mark.

8:12pm: Danielle is slamming into the wall knees first while Dan is going back first.

9:16pm: Dan asks Ian to go inside for four minutes so he can talk to Danielle in private.

9:17pm: Dan is asking Danielle to drop because she will have an easier time beating Ian in part 2. She doesn’t want to. This is her favorite competition and she’s sick and tired of all the antics he’s pulled on her. Clearly she’s not about to forgive and forget as quickly as she did last time with the funeral.

9:18pm: Dan is using every last ounce of MIST to get Danielle to drop. She asks him to swear on Chelsea that he’ll take her to the finale. He agrees (not that it means anything).

9:20pm: Danielle vows to castrate Dan slowly with a butter knife if he screws her over.

9:21pm: Dan is trying to explain that his only goal is to help Danielle win the game because then he can claim victory as a coach if he helps her win. I can’t believe she’s buying this. If a deal with Dan sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Are we really to believe that Dan is going to let Danielle win even though she has done NOTHING in this game but listen to him? Basically, that would mean Danielle gets the money and the title, but Dan would deserve all the credit.


9:24pm: She dropped when they were dunked into the water. And just like that, Dan’s MIST wins again.


Wow. Dan should bottle his Mist and sell it because it’s the most powerful substance on Earth. After leaving Danielle in shock after evicting Shane, Dan was able to convince her to throw a competition to him a mere two and a half hours later.

I really hope Dan is just telling her what she wants to hear. If he does all of this work for her, playing her entire game for her and making all of the decisions for her, and then Danielle wins the title and the money, this season will be a total joke.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.