Power of Veto night in the Big Brother house and, as a man who succumbs to online updates and spoils myself, I can tell you that we’re going to see some interesting things tonight.  Or so I’ve been lead to believe.  As of right now for those who only watch the prime time Big Brother and not the feeds, Jameka and Amber have been put on the block.  Will they be able to get off?  What will Daniele do if she has to put up a replacement nominee?  I’ll be here throughout the episode updating the action live.

Jameka is angry about being nominated about Daniele.  Hey, so is Amber.  It’s hard not to be angry when you’re nominated, I suppose.  I don’t understand why Jameka is so upset. 

Jen feeds Jessica the anti-Dick/Daniele line.  Pretty unoriginal stuff. 

Zach admits that he likes to c-block Eric when Eric is alone with Jessica.  Funny stuff actually.  Eric should have sealed that Jessica deal by now, one would think. 

Amber cries in the diary room, saying that she’s seen a vision in which she wins PoV this week.  She believes the vision is from God and her and Jameka root for God to give them a solid. 

America’s Player task time.  Eric is given a stupid little stuffed animal named “Woobie”.  He has to give it to one of the houseguests as a gift.  Luckily, America chooses Jessica to receive Woobie.  Eric give is to her in the middle of the night.  Seal the deal, Eric!

Zach and Daniele sit in the HoH room and complain about everyone else in the house.  Fun stuff.

PoV time.  They pick the players for the competition.  Daniele, Amber, Jameka, Dick, Jessica and Zach.  The winner gets to take a top-secret trip out of the house.  To where, we don’t know.

The Veto competition is motorcycle theme.  The competition is kind of like the Power of Ten, with the host asking a question that America has also been asked.  The houseguests have to guess what percentage of Americans answered the question in what way, for example “What percentage of America thinks Kail would be a good politician?”  Actual answer: 19%.  Ha.  After each question, whichever houseguest was furthest away from the actual percentage is eliminated. 

Amber and Daniele make it to the final two, so they get to go on the mystery trip together.  Amber starts crying because she’s not with Jameka.  Daniele ends up winning the Power of Veto competition.  She’s a dominant force in the challenges. 

Amber does some crying by herself.  Ridiculous.  I just can’t stand Amber anymore.  Stop freaking crying.  It’s a game.

And it starts.  Daniele decides that she’s going to propose a deal to Amber, that if Dani takes her off the block, Amber will agree to not nominate Dani if she gets HoH next week.  Amber and Dani go talk in the HoH and Amber is just putty in Dani’s hands.  The final deal, sworn on Amber’s daughter’s life, is that Amber will be taken off the block and in turn, Amber will never nominate Daniele when she becomes HoH.

Dick and Eric discuss backdooring Jen.  Looks like it’s going to happen.

Time for the Power of Veto ceremony.   Daniele, in a somewhat bold move, decides to take Amber (who cries during her speech) off the block and puts up Jen in her stead.  I like the move.

Ha.  Ridiculous cross-promotion.  So, you know Daniele and Amber’s trip?  They’ll be going on a private jet to New York City in order to be contestants on the CBS game show Power of Ten.  Kind of cool, and also kind of shameless by CBS.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of BigBrotherCaps.com)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV