Next week is the mid-season finale of Pretty Little Liars, which means all hell is about to break loose. There still way more questions than answers as we come to the end of season 4a, and the biggest questions revolve around CeCe Drake.

Just what part has CeCe played in tormenting the liars? Is she Red Coat? Is she ‘A’? Did she kill Alison? How does she keep her hair so bouncy on the lam? All these questions may or may not be answered next week when Pretty Little Liars’ summer season draws to a close. 

What we do know is the mid-season finale will see the liars take a jaunt to Ravenswood, home of Pretty Little Liars’ newest spinoff. Once there they’ll be confronted with the creepy weirdos who live in this new borough of central Pennsylvania, the scariest state in American. 

In Ravenswood they’ll discover shocking new information that throws everything they know about ‘A’ and the ‘A’ team into question. Also I assume they’ll encounter lots of color desaturation. 

Still can’t wait until the mid-season finale? We’ve got some clips to tide you over and help you formulate new theories: 


What We Know Now: 

Travis needs to ID the person he saw fleeing the scene from Wilden’s shooting. Among them is, of course, Ashley Marin. But it looks like Travis might be getting confession cold feet.


What We Know Now: 

You always know you’re in Ravenswood when Pretty Little Liars suddenly looks like a Frank Miller comic book. Once there they crash what appears to be a child’s birthday party with a very, very creepy clown who seems to immediately recognize the girls. Poor Aria becomes part of the magic trick when he picks her out of the crowd to “disappear” in his box. 

“I’m not great with being in enclosed boxes ever since someone locked me in with a dead body and tried to toss me off a train,” Aria tries to explain, but you try reasoning with a mime. Even trying to throw Spencer under the magic bus doesn’t work, so Aria reluctantly follows the creepy clown, probably to her death. 

Still want to know more? Then check out this trailer for the “World War A” mid-season finale:


What do you think? Is Ashley finally out of legal hot water? What’s up with the clown? What will the girls discover in Ravenswood? Share your theories in the comments before the finale!

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(Image courtesy of ABC Family)

Morgan Glennon

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV