If Michael Scott (Steve Carell) had a soul mate it would definitely be HR rep Holly Flax (Amy Ryan). Although she only appeared on six episodes of The Office, she left a memorable impression as the “major dork” who has a sense of humor much like that of Michael.  After realizing that Michael and Holly have a lot of things in common, the two fell in love, much to the dismay of CFO David Wallace, who then transferred Holly back to Nashua.  Thus, they were forced to end their relationship.

But fans have not seen the last of Holly.  According to Greg Daniels, the big man behind The Office who confirmed the scoop to Entertainment Weekly‘s Michael Ausiello, Amy Ryan will be revisiting Dunder Mifflin to reprise her dorky role.

“She will come back,” Daniels said.  “We haven’t written it yet, but we’re discussing her coming back for the season finale.  We’re hoping she’ll be available.”

During Ryan’s Office stint, her character Holly became part of some hilarious storylines, including being the subject to hazing by Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), who convinced her that Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) is mentally challenged, participating in the opening song “Let’s Get Ethical” for the business ethics class at Dunder Mifflin, and being treated poorly by Michael in front of Jan Levinson during her baby shower because he has a vested interest in Jan’s baby, which is not his.

While the news of Holly’s return is exciting enough, Daniels went on to say that he’s “very open” to working out a more permanent Office arrangement with Ryan.

“Because [Michael and Holly] have such a deep connection, I don’t think she can blow in and out every so often,” he said.  “It would be too hard for him as a human being.  So, we’re hoping to find some very significant things for them. And if we can get her to sign on for a really long period, we’ll do it.”

-Kris De Leon, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: EW
(Image courtesy of NBC)

Kris De Leon

Staff Writer, BuddyTV