Smallville will just never let up, won’t it?

Then again, this bit of news is pretty different–much more different from recent talk about a jumping Metallo, a British Zod and another one of those possible spin-offs.  This bit is a rumor, and while this is perhaps one of the sketchiest ones I’ve encountered in this life so far, there’s a weird feeling that this might happen.

The folks at AICN have speculated that Smallville might be getting a television movie that will supplement the series’ ninth season.  Their source–a person they identify as “Yoda’s Bitch”, one who they call an “untested” source–spotted possible proof that this will happen, through some signage being prepared for the CW series’ upcoming panel at the Comic-Con.

The signage says this: “Metropolis, Christmas 2010.”  It’s written out in the same type that the Smallville logo uses, and behind it is a watermark of the Superman logo.  The sign the source spotted also promotes the Smallville panel at the very bottom.

Again, AICN is just speculating all this.  Consider that Smallville is reportedly ending its run in 2010, not after it’s moved to Friday nights this coming fall.  But they also have a pretty significant point: it’s pretty hard to create a television movie in 18 months, considering that they’ll still be shooting the ninth season of the show.  But with recent news of Smallville casting a couple of villains, I’m imagining that they’re going towards that direction, and maybe this alleged Metropolis project will finally see Tom Welling as Superman, costume and all.

Of course, nobody’s officially confirming it.  Maybe there’ll be a big announcement this month.  Who knows?

-Henrik Batallones, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: Ain’t It Cool News
(Image courtesy of the CW)

Henrik Batallones

Staff Writer, BuddyTV