The two-hour season 6 finale of Once Upon a Time, titled “The Final Battle Parts 1 and 2,” is upon us. The Black Fairy has unleashed a curse on Storybrooke — and now the heroes must deal with the consequences.

According to the official episode description from ABC, “Henry awakens to a cursed Storybrooke and discovers Emma has been in the mental hospital, and the Black Fairy is the new mayor. Henry attempts to help Emma regain her memory while Gold tries to find out what has really happened to Belle. Meanwhile, Snow, Charming, Regina, Zelena and Hook are trapped in a crumbling Fairy Tale Land and desperately try to figure out a way to be reunited with Emma and Henry.”

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Check out photos from part one of the finale (episode 21), which airs Sunday, May 14:

Emma Wakes Up in a Mental Hospital


Henry Tries to Help Emma


Archie and the Black Fairy Arrive


The Black Fairy is Now the Mayor in a Cursed Storybrooke


Emma is Handed the Storybook


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Here are photos from part two of the finale (episode 22):

Gideon Departs the Mayor’s Office


Will Snow Be Reunited with Emma?


Zelena and Some of the Heroes are Trapped in the Fairy Tale Land


Emma Prepares for the Final Battle


Let the Battle Begin…


How do you think the Final Battle will play out? Who will win? And will the heroes be able to reverse the Black Fairy’s curse? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8/7c on ABC. Want more news? Like our OUAT Facebook page.

(Images courtesy of ABC)

Jeff Dodge

Staff Writer, BuddyTV

Jeff Dodge, a graduate of Western Washington University, has been a TV news editor for many years and has had the chance to interview multiple reality show stars, including Randy Jackson, Nick Cannon, Heidi Klum, Mel B and John Cena.