Christmas is the HoH once again on Big Brother 19 and she wants to break up Jalex. Will she get what she wants and how does the PoV factor into it?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 19 spoilers.

Paul won the Power of Veto.

He used it to save Alex. Kevin is the replacement nominee.

For the first time all season, Kevin is on the block. But he doesn’t have a lot to worry about, because the plan is to take out Jason.

Of course the plan is somewhat convoluted. Paul wants him and Alex to vote to evict Kevin while Josh and Raven vote to evict Jason, forcing a tie and making Christmas break it by evicting Kevin. Paul wants to avoid getting any blood on his hands and stay close to Alex.

However, Josh is not a fan of this plan. He spent the weekend voicing his concerns to both Christmas and Paul about how this makes him and Christmas targets while Paul gets away free and clear. Josh is starting to recognize that Paul is the mastermind plying for himself and while Christmas is OK with this because she doesn’t seem to care about winning the game at all, Josh is worried that this move will make it difficult for him to win.

The problem for Josh is that he doesn’t have anyone else who understands his concerns. Christmas dismisses him and Paul just tells him to play dumb and stop being paranoid. Josh’s frustration is growing by the day.


-Paul is the only HG left who has never been on the block (assuming you don’t count Cody’s failed attempt to nominate him in week 1). In the last five summer seasons, the person who survived the longest without ever going on the block usually won (Nicole Franzel, Derrick Levasseur, Andy Herren and Ian Terry).

-Paul is only the second HG ever to use the Power of Veto on three different people in a single season, saving Josh in week 2, Jason in week 5 and Alex this week. The other person to do this was Daniele Donato in season 8, who saved herself, her father Evel Dick and Amber.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.