2015 was not the greatest year for new shows. A lot of the new shows that premiered in fall 2015 ended up getting canceled before the end of the season. Yet despite the bloodbath that was the cancellation period in the winter of 2016, more than a few standout TV shows survived. Here are five shows that you should catch up on before season 2. 

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The Real O’Neals


Comedy did not fare particularly well in 2015-2016 because most networks have a solid block of comedies and it is hard for any show to find the same level of success. Luckily ABC decided to allow The Real O’Neals into their family comedy line-up. Like most ABC comedies, The Real O’Neals follows a family, but there’s a little bit of a twist on the traditional family sitcom formula. For The Real O’Neals it is that the family are devout Irish Catholics but the son (and main character) Kenny has recently come out as a gay, the eldest son, Jimmy, has an eating disorder and the parents are getting a divorce (while still living in the same house.) While that premise sounds like the plot of a melodramatic cable TV movie, on The Real O’Neals it’s the source of a lot of heart, humor and all-around good feelings.

You can watch The Real O’Neals on Hulu or ABC.com.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is proof positive that you can never judge a show on its title or initial premise. The CW’s newest romantic-comedy offering (joining Jane the Virgin) is a delightfully wacky and weird musical series. Despite, or maybe because of, the strangeness of its premise, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is one of the most inventive and original shows on TV that you probably are not watching. It’s time to correct that mistake.

You can watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Netflix or CWTV.com.



ABC is not just home to the family sitcom. It’s also the go-to place for the nighttime soap. Not only is ABC the unofficial home of pretty much everything Shonda Rhimes, there is also Quantico. Though Quantico doesn’t come from ShondaLand it has all the hallmarks. There is a group of diverse, incredibly attractive actors in the cast. There is a wildly talented leading lady. One of the best parts, though, is Quantico‘s constant twists and turns. If you plan on watching Quantico for the first time in season 2 (and you should) it is pretty much imperative that you catch up before tuning in, in order to not be completely confused. 

You can watch Quantico on Netflix or at ABC.com.

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Since Supergirl is moving networks and locations for season 2, the show will probably look and feel a little bit different in season 2. The change is no excuse to not catch up the first season of one of the newest superhero series from Greg Berlanti. Though there are some bumps in the road in Supergirl season 1, the winning charm of Melissa Benoist and the rest of the cast is more than enough to make up for it. It’s especially important to cherish the biting wit of Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant in Supergirl season 1, because season 2 will see her role reduced.

You can watch Supergirl on Netflix, starting September 10, or at CWTV.com.

Scream Queens 


Scream Queens knows exactly what type of show it is and that show is trashy, ridiculous fun. Scream Queens has some high highs and meh lows in season 1, but it is pretty much the perfect show to binge watch. The abbreviated season 1 is full of so many acerbic quotes and zany moments, it is more than enough to excuse the fact that the plot doesn’t always make sense. Unlike executive producer Ryan Murphy’s other horror show (though Scream Queens is more comedy than horror like American Horror Story) the show is not an anthology. The storyline will continue in season 2 so it’s important to catch up on the over-the-top lives of the Chanel gang before diving into season 2. 

You can watch Scream Queens on Hulu or at FOX.com.

What do you think? Will you be catching up on any of these sophomore shows before season 2? Are you watching them all and don’t need to catch up? Or are you thinking about diving back in for a refresher course before season 2 starts? 

(Images courtesy of ABC, FOX, CBS and The CW)

Derek Stauffer

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV

Derek is a Philadelphia based writer and unabashed TV and comic book junkie. The time he doesn’t spend over analyzing all things nerdy he is working on his resume to be the liaison to the Justice League.