When you get to know a show like Orange Is the New Black like the back of your prison-tatted hand, you start to pick up a lot of repeating trends. Whether it be Boo’s unfaltering flirtation with new inmates or a flashback to one of the inmates’ lives before prison, there are just certain things you can count on. Speaking of things you can count on, another thing is that drinking during your favorite show is just fun. Because of this, we’ve created the ultimate Orange Is the New Black drinking game to enhance your viewing pleasure. Read below for a full list of the rules.

Warning: Please drink responsibly.

Before you get started on this epic drinking game, you’ll want an Orange is the New Black-themed drink to play with. In keeping with the show here are a couple of OITNB-themed cocktails to choose from:

Screwdriver: (because we all know it’s Piper’s favorite tool)
-2 oz. vodka
-5 oz. fresh orange juice
-Ice cubes

Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl (Mojito): (via Autostraddle)
-2 oz. light rum
-0.5 oz fresh lime juice
-8 mint leaves
-1 dash Bittermens Xocolatl Molé bitters
-1 dash vanilla extract
-1 demerara sugar cube
-Seltzer, a shaker, strainer and muddler
(For instructions on how to make this drink, head to Autostraddle)

Of course, the game works with any drink, but anything themed just makes it that much more fun. Anyway, on to the rules:

Take 1 Drink:
-Anyone Hooks Up
-A New Inmate is Introduced
-A Flashback to Pre-Prison Life is Shown
-A Guard Threatens an Inmate

Take 2 Drinks:
-Boo Hits on Someone
-Piper Gets Threatened
-Suzanne (Crazy Eyes) Makes You Laugh
-If You Sing Along at Any Point During the Theme Song

Take 3 Drinks:
-Alex and Piper Hook Up
-An Inmate Flirts with a Guard
-Someone Dances
-A Fight Breaks Out

Finish Your Drink:
-The Chicken is Seen/Referenced

OITNB Alex Cheers.gif Save and print the image below to reference the game’s rules at anytime during your Orange Is the New Black viewing! If you have more rules you’d add to the list, share them in the comments below! Drink responsibly and remember: Orange doesn’t have to be the new blackout.

BuddyTV Official Drinking Game.jpgOrange Is the New Black season 4 premieres on Netflix on June 17.

(Images courtesy of Netflix)

Kartik Chainani

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV