Big Brother 9 has been a whole load of nonsense so far this season, and I look forward to the shenanigans continuing.  Tonight on Big Brother we will see both the Power of Veto competition and the Power of Veto ceremony.  If you’re one of those people who read on line spoilers (like me) then you already know what’s going to happen.  However, that’s the beauty of Big Brother.  Even if you know what will happen, it’s still interesting to see how it happens.  As of right now (to you non-spoiler people), Matt and Natalie are up on the block with Allison and Ryan.  Will that change tonight?  I’ll be here throughout the hour giving live updates.

Day 22.  Man, that’s a long time for anything.

Josh calls Allison ugly on the inside and out.  Hmm, that’s a little harsh

I do feel bad for Ryan, he’s done nothing wrong.  Has Allison really been so bad?  Can somebody enlighten me on this. 

Sharon congratulates Joshuah on not verbally abusing Allison at the nomination ceremony.  It’s a bad sign when you props for not acting like a crazy person. 

Matt tries to call out Sheila and Adam for not being nominated.  Adam is a happy man.  Allison and Sheila seem to be on better terms. 

Natalie is ALL OVER Matt.  He won’t have any of it.  He’s upset with himself for kissing her.  He says that he doesn’t know what to do. 

Allison concocts a plan with Natalie where they get all buddy-buddy and when one of them wins PoV and takes themselves off they work something out to get Adam and Sheila out of there. 

The veto competition players are chosen.  Matt/Natalie, Allison/Ryan, and Josh/Sharon are no-brainers.  Sheila and Adam are the fourth couple competing.  James is the host.

Josh thinks that Allison and Ryan suck, and they can’t win the PoV.  I kind of agree. 

James, as host, is dressed up in a toga.

They all go to the backyard.  It’s a Cupid theme.  Each lady will be placed in a harness, and the men have to bring them pieces of a puzzle that they have to solve high in the air.  First team that finishes the puzzle wins.  Oh, and when the non-harnessed team member runs to pick up the puzzle pieces, the lady flies into the air.  It’s a pulley system.  Matt is the strongest, and has an easy time running back and forth.

Allison figures out the puzzle first – it’s the veto symbol – but Matt and Natalie finish it first.  Barely.  Allison freaks out during the competition. 

Allison continues to whine about how Josh hates her.  He does, and randomly so, but that’s just Josh apparently.  Matt is very happy with being off the block.  He says in the Diary Room that he wants to get on Josh’s good side by appealing to his gay-ness.  Uh, good strategy?  Matt’s playing all angles, trying to get on everyone’s good side.  It’s a good strategy, but only if doesn’t overdue it. 

Allison cries to Matt.  Operation: Shoulder to Cry On.  He tells Allison to do his best to make up with Josh. 

Sheila complains about Adam.  Oh, shut up, you hag.  Maybe that was harsh, but every time she talks I get pissed off.  Sheila has a conversation with the wall (aka James).  She uses the word “bulldoggin’.  Well played, Sheila.

Matt goes to visit Sharon in the HoH room.  He says that she has “some decision making to make.”  Nice.  Matt charms Sharon.  He puts the moves on, hardcore.  Then he goes in for the kill and starts making out with her.  He later tells the Diary Room that she fell into his trap.  Then, ha!  Sharon tells the Diary Room that she knows that Matt is trying to charm her. 

Matt hides from Natalie.  She is all about him.  It’s a little sickening. 

Josh tells Sharon that she should whore herself out for Matt.  Ha.

Matt lays down the law with Natalie.  She says he’s been mean to her.  She’s very upset.  He’s getting very fed up.  I understand where Matt’s coming from.  What is he supposed to do?  She wants him bad, he doesn’t want her and she’s being rabid about it.  Matt agrees that he’s been a jerk, and he says he’ll be nicer from now on.  They’ll be friends.  Natalie thinks that Matt might be her soul mate.  Probably not. 

More Allison/Josh stuff.  She wants to know why he hates her.  He talks about all the gossiping and all the drama.  Josh talks like it’s a given that she’s going home.  That might be true. Josh walks out on her.

Everyone is sent to the living room.  The houseguests are informed that when a loud alarm goes off sometime in the coming days, they all have to immediately meet in the living room.  When the siren goes off, something unexpected will go down.  So, look out for the alarm everyone.

Everyone is worried and paranoid about the alarm.  Josh and Sharon hopes it doesn’t eff up the PoV.

Veto meeting time.  Matt and Natalie take themselves off the block, and Josh and Sharon place Adam and Sheila on the block.  Duh.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
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Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV