Evel Dick Donato makes his triumphant return to the Big Brother house on Tuesday to host a very special Power of Veto competition.  Dick, the winner of Big Brother 8, is the perfect love him or hate him kind of reality TV contestant.  Personally, I’ve always supported the evil reign of Mr. Donato.  Last season, he basically intimidated the Big Brother house into handing him $500,000.  Whether you liked him or not, you had to admit that Dick made things exciting in the house.  While Dick’s Power of Veto competition won’t air on Big Brother until tomorrow night, it’s already been filmed (TV is magic!) and we know the results.  Click below if spoilers are something you’re interested in. 

Big Brother 9 Spoilers: Week 7 Power of Veto

The PoV competition was called “Club Evel.”  In the first part of the competition, Dick acts as bartender and gives out shots of his own creation from behind a bar.  The more disgusting shots a contestant drinks, the more croquet shots they receive for the second part of the competition.  This part is similar to one of the competitions last season (apparently – I don’t remember it).  And if the winner beats Dick’s high croquet score of 33, they win a special bonus prize.  If not, Dick wins the prize. 

So, I don’t know exactly who competed in the PoV or if the winner won the bonus prize, but I do know the important things:

James won the Power of Veto.  He used it on himself in the PoV ceremony.  Adam nominated Sharon in his place. 

James has a penchant for Big Brother survival.  This is an impressive run he’s been on.  He’s got a legitimate shot to go far, especially if he can somehow win Head of Household on Wednesday.  I still think Chelsia will be the one to be evicted, mostly thanks to the Sharon-Joshuah-Ryan connection. 

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of BigBrotherCaps.com)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV