Well, let’s meet these new house guests, shall we?  Big Brother kicks off its 9th season tonight and, for the first time, us Big Brother fans are getting a special Winter season.  Executive producer Allison Grodner has promised an extra steamy season of Big Brother this time around – the contestants will be paired up with a soul mate (as determined by a compatibility test) and they will compete in teams.  This is something new for the Big Brother franchise and I, for one, feel pretty good about it.  It should be fun and it will definitely make Big Brother: After Dark something worth watching.

We’ll be here throughout the premiere giving live updates as the episode moves along.


Good to have you back, you vacuum of personality, you. 

Big Brother: ‘Til Death Do You Part is the tag line, apparently.  Tonight will be fun, but difficult for me because I don’t know these people yet and I’ll be scrambling to remember names. 

Time to meet the house guests when they were “surprised” with their keys.  Let’s be clear: these people were not really surprised.  I hate this – they make the contestants say really stupid things.

“I like bikinis, coffee, and GOD!!!” says the bikini barista. 

“I’m Neil and I know how to close a deal.” says, you guessed it, Neil.  He’s a big gay man. 

I like Adam cause they show him bowling.  I like bowling. 

Once paired up, the teams will be evicted as teams, get HoH as teams, and share beds as teams.

The ladies enter the house first.  The bedrooms are locked.  The house has a nice log cabin feel. 

Sharon recently ended a 12-year relationship with someone and – duh duh duh – her ex Jacob will also be in the house.  That is straight cruel.  Jacob cheated on her and they haven’t talked since.  They both call each other the loves of each other’s lives. 

Aha.  Yet another twist.  Also, Jen the bartender and Ryan are currently dating, have been for nine months and are entering the house in cahoots.  They will try to play the game as “strangers.”  I like it.

The men enter the house. 

And, Sharon and Jacob meet in the house.  Jacob is baffled, he says that it sucks.  Sharon is weirded out.  Good stuff.

The house is full of quotes about love.  The house guests introduce themselves.  Matt has lewd comments ready for all the ladies.  Amanda has a good gaydar, and knows that Joshuah is gay.  Allison is a former gambling addict, but she’s not going to tell anyone.  Alex has decided to say that he works as a DJ, but not that he actually owns the DJ company.  He doesn’t want people to know that he does well.  Matt is so completely full of himself, it hurts. 

Julie drops the bomb – they’re being grouped into pairs based on extensive personality tests.  She pairs them into teams. 

This is funny – Jen and Ryan didn’t know about this pairs thing.

Here are the pairs:

Alex and Amanda – Both good looking and seem decent.

James and Chelsia – This will be a crazy team.

Natalie and Matt – Hmm, I kinda like Natalie, but hate Matt.

Jen and Parker – Not with her real boyfriend.  Ha.

Joshuah and Neil – We saw that coming.

Jacob and Sharon – They put the exes together.  Double Ha!

These last two couples don’t get a bed….they only get sleeping beds. 

Ryan and Allison – Meh.

Sheila and Adam – Sheila is not happy.

Sharon is pissed, already.  Wow, Sheila is already talking smack about Adam.  Adam is kind of upset about the whole thing, as he should be.  Adam tries to talk her down.  Sheila takes offense to Adam not being in shape, him calling her “ma” and Adam being a smoker.

Wow, we can all, as a group, hate Sheila at this point.  Pretty unlikable.  She even starts crying in the Diary Room.

Time for the first Head of Household competition.  Oh crap…the winner of the HoH will be allowed to evict someone almost immediately.  The comp is called “Falling For You.”  Outside, eight beds are set up.  One team member is suspended by a cord and the other will lie on the bed.  The suspended person will then hold the bed-ridden one and they will be lifted back in the air.

Sheila gives up almost immediately, after like five minutes.  The gay guys go next.  Amanda drops down, much to Alex’s chagrin.  Sharon and Jacob are gone next. 

Julie announces a little surprise – there are pillows like five or seven feet below them.  If they can pick it up with their hands in under ten minutes without falling, they will receive $10,000. 

Chelsia is really going for it, hanging her feet on James’ head.  Jen gets her pillow – ten Gs for Parker and her.  Chelsia picks the pillow up, but they fall soon after. 

Parker and Jen win – they’re the Power Couple.  They had to tell Matt and Natalie that they were safe.  But now they have to eliminate one of the couples.

Ahh, we’re not going to find out who gets eliminated until tomorrow.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of CBS)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV