When it comes to Big Brother, there’s only one question that really matters: Who is your favorite houseguest of all-time? The answer tells me everything I need to know about you. If you say Rachel Reilly or Frankie Grande, we can’t be friends. If you pick Dr. Will Kirby or Dan Gheesling, then you have my respect. And if you say Danielle Reyes or Daniele Donato, you’re my new BFF.

First Impressions of the New BB17 HGs>>

This question is especially important in judging the new crop of HGs on Big Brother 17. For their questionnaires, the 14 newbies were all asked about their favorite past houseguest, and there answers can tell us a lot about them.

First Look Inside the New House>>

Here are who the new HGs picked and what that says about them.

Clay: Donny Thompson
Jace: Derrick Levasseur
Meg: Frankie Grande
James: Zach Rance and Victoria Rafaeli
Liz: Janelle Pierzina, Jeff Schroeder and Frankie Grande
Shelli: Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Rachel Reilly, Brendan Villegas, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd

-If you pick anyone from the most recent season, it probably means you were recruited to be on the show and you aren’t a real fan. You probably only just discovered the show last year and maybe binge-watched a few seasons to get an idea of what it’s like. It’s particularly depressing that Meg and Liz chose Frankie, since he’s probably the single most-hated HG of last season. And James is absolutely puzzling for choosing Victoria (because he liked her loyalty), since I would argue that she is the worst HG of all-time.

Audrey: Rachel Reilly
Becky: Brendan Villegas
Da’Vonne: Rachel Reilly

-Picking Rachel (or any part of Brenchel) is common. It’s understandable, but it usually means the contestant (almost always a female) wants to be in charge. Loving Rachel means you want to be the Head Bitch in Charge and that you love strong women, which last year meant an early eviction.

Austin: Dr. Will Kirby and Howie Gordon
Vanessa: Dan Gheesling

-Dr. Will and Dan are probably the two most obvious answers to this question. They are regarded as two of the best players of all-time and rightfully so. Picking them is a sign that you respect the game and the psychological strategies needed to win.

Jason: Danielle Reyes, Diane Henry, Daniele Donato, Kevin Campbell and Britney Haynes
Steve: Danielle Reyes and Helen Kim

-The sign of a true superfan is picking a favorite who may be obscure to casual viewers, but who other superfans will recognize as a bold choice. Danielle Reyes (from season 3 and All-Stars) isn’t someone newer viewers may recognize, but she was one of the toughest, smartest, most brilliant players of all-time who only lost because, back in season 3, the jurors weren’t sequestered and so they all went home and watched the episodes to see her scathing diary room sessions. Season 15’s Helen is an equally interesting pick, a smart political strategist, while Jason reveals a love for entertaining and successful HGs (all of his picks made it to the Final 4 in their original seasons).

John: His LEAST favorites are Ian Terry, Nicole Franzel and Derrick Levasseur

-This is something different. Instead of picking favorites, John revealed that he doesn’t like “know-it-alls” who brag about being superfans. It’s a very unusual opinion as most superfans actually tend to love other superfans, and the fact that he picked two of the last three winners makes it even more puzzling. John may not like when HGs boast about how well they know and love the game, but clearly that strategy has worked out well in recent years.

What do you think of the new HGs’ picks? Will you hold a grudge against those who say they love Rachel or Frankie? And just as important, who is your favorite and which category would you fall under?

Big Brother 17 premieres Wednesday, June 24 at 8pm on CBS.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.