During last week’s episode, Sookie chose to become Benlow’s bride in order to save her vampire friends, Sam learned his new girlfriend was carrying his shifter-baby and Eric drank some faerie blood in preparation for a revenge mission. In this week’s episode, “Life Matters,” Eric returns to Vamp Camp for said revenge, Sookie prevents Bilith from using Benlow and everyone gathers for Terry’s funeral. Read on to find out what kind of insanity True Blood delivers this week.

Sookie Saves Her Future Husband

Still determined to be the savior of vampire-kind, Bilith wants to take every last drop of Benlow’s blood — that Eric has not already drained — but Sookie will not let him. Sookie feeds Benlow some of her blood to keep him from meeting the true death and uses her faerie light to expel Bilith from Fae Land. With his progeny’s life on the line, Bilith heads to Vamp Camp without Benlow.

Benlow feels better after Sookie’s blood donation and she tells him she has to leave for Terry’s funeral. Benlow asks if she still plans on becoming his faerie vampire bride, and instead of running for her human life while Benlow is still weak, Sookie agrees to keep her promise to become his immortal beloved. Will Sookie really give up her human life to spend eternity by Benlow’s side?

One Last Goodbye

All of our non-vampire regulars are brought together for a somber occasion, as the people of Bon Temps gather for Terry’s funeral. Andy, Sam, Lafayette, Sookie and Arlene all speak at the funeral and we see their connections to Terry via flashbacks.

Sookie outs herself as a telepath — though anyone surprised by this news makes Jason look shrewd — in order to tell Arlene that Terry loved her from the moment he saw her. Arlene’s flashback is the sweetest and gives us a nice, final look at their family. Big John sings the song from the episode title as Terry receives a 21-Gun Salute from his military brethren.

Rest in peace, Terry Bellefleur. I wish the show had given you better storylines while you still were alive.

Eric and Jason Team Up

Eric takes his new day-walking abilities straight to Vamp Camp and starts his revenge-killing with some of the guards. After castrating Overlark and leaving him to bleed to death, Eric releases all of the vampires and sends them out to kill the remaining humans. Eric also finds a half-drained Jason and heals him so Jason can lead Eric to the others.

On his way to the white room of doom, Eric stops to visit the vamp shrink. The vamp shrink brags to Eric about sleeping with Pam and Eric decides to let him live so Pam can kill him later. Eric also stops to save Ginger because he is apparently feeling charitable after drinking all of that faerie blood.

One Vampire Meets the True Death

Sarah manages to survive the initial attack on Vamp Camp and makes her way to the roof above the white room of doom. She opens the roof and waits for the vampires to meet the sun. Alas, Bilith has already arrived at the white room of doom with a plan to save vampire-kind. Because Bilith drank those few drops of Benlow’s blood a few episodes back, he still has it in his system. Bilith lets the others drink from him, and that little bit of Benlow is enough to make them all immune to the sun’s effects.

But the others are being a bit greedy and keeping poor Steve from getting any Bilith/Benlow blood. Things get worse for Steve when Eric arrives and forces the traitor to meet the sun, sans magical faerie blood. Sarah watches as her ex-husband meets the true death, proclaiming his love for Jason one last time. Are you sad to see Steve go or do you think he deserved his fate for betraying the others?

Jason Confronts Sarah, Eric Says Goodbye

With most of the humans dead or being tortured by the other vampires, Jason chases after Sarah. Though Jason is able to catch up to his ex, he cannot go through with killing her, claiming he already has enough blood on his hands. Sarah escapes with her life, hopefully giving Anna Camp the opportunity to return in future seasons.

Once the vampires are saved from the true death, Bilith starts having visions of Lilith and feels her calling him to leave this world. Bilith uses the last of his energy to reach out to Jessica, and she and James come to his aid. They feed Bilith their blood, restoring him. High on faerie blood, our vampires dance around in the sunlight while destroying the contaminated Tru Blood, and Jessica invites everyone back to the Compton place for an after-party.

But it looks like Eric will not be attending said celebration, as he spares one last glance at Pam before flying off to who knows where. Despite her faerie blood high, Pam looks utterly devastated that Eric left her behind, and my heart breaks at the thought that their reunion is so short-lived.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Were you surprised that most of the vampires made it out of Vamp Camp alive? Are you glad James and Violet will seemingly be sticking around? Now that Bilith has been restored, will he continue with his savior-complex or revert to his old self? How will the vampires retaliate against the humans for the horrors they suffered in Vamp Camp? And what kind of shenanigans are in store for next week’s finale? Let us know your thoughts and theories in the comments section.

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(Image courtesy of HBO)

Megan Cole

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV