In the season 10 finale of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, titled “Nightmare on Peachtree Street,” the ladies come together one last time to celebrate Eva’s birthday at her Halloween party. But the party takes a dark turn when NeNe and Kim are in the same room for the first time since the roach video incident.

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The Ladies Attend Their Last Event of the Season

All of the ladies come together to celebrate Eva’s birthday at her hybrid Halloween/birthday party inside an old abandoned church. They all come dressed to impress, but Cynthia dressing up as 50 Cent takes the gold medal and runs away with it. The only thing more surprising than Cynthia coming dressed as a man is the fact that she still seems to be dating Will despite all their relationship issues.

Kim shows up dressed as a Playboy Bunny but is entirely shown up when NeNe shows up dressed as an exterminator and her husband is dressed as a roach, proving that no one can take charge of narrative better than NeNe Leakes. The ladies are dying laughing at NeNe, poking fun at the whole situation — well, all of the ladies except Kim, who stands solely apart from the rest of the women.

Sheree decides to take Porsha to task by questioning her about some comments she made to Shamea about the trustworthiness of the ladies. Porsha acts like she has no recollection of the events but notes that regardless of that, Shamea clearly went out of her way to show their private conversation to Sheree. Sheree gets angry over the fact that she’s been the only one defending Porsha, and Porsha refuses to see that. With Kim by her side yelling at anything that moves, Sheree just abruptly walks away mid-conversation. Porsha runs to NeNe for help after being attacked out of nowhere, and it is in this moment that Marlo interjects and attempts to apologize to Porsha for her actions in Barcelona, but Porsha ain’t hearing it.  

With tension between Porsha, Sheree and Marlo, and the bitter feud between Kim and NeNe lingering in the air, the party goes off without another massive fight or blow-out, most likely due to the fact that Kim and NeNe avoid each other like the bubonic plague — though it doesn’t seem to stay that way forever, as the trailer for the reunion shows Kim and NeNe finally going at it, claws out.

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  • The true mystery of this entire season is how Sheree afforded her entire house.
  • Of all the people choosing to support Porsha in her acting endeavors, Kenya being one of them is something unexpected.
  • Seriously, how good is Cynthia’s costume?! It takes a really great job to outdo NeNe dressed as pest control.

Are you sad that the season has come to a close? Were you shocked to see that NeNe and Kim did not come to blows at the party? Would you have gone to see Porsha in her stage play? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta season 10 reunion part one airs Sunday, April 8 at 8/7c on Bravo. Want more news? Like our Real Housewives of Atlanta Facebook page.

(Image courtesy of Bravo)

Mike Rizzo

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV