Pregnancy rules the day in the world of The Office.  Angela Kinsey (who plays Angela on The Office) gave birth to a baby girl on Saturday.  Kinsey and her husband Warren Lieberstein welcomed their first child, Isabel Ruby Lieberstein, into the world.  Kinsey, 36 years old, continued filming on The Office while pregnant, though her screen time was knowingly reduced (the first time you could kind of tell she was pregnant was during last week’s episode).  Kinsey is the sister-in-law of Paul Lieberstein, who plays Toby on The Office and is also on the writing staff.  However, as great of news as this is, there is bigger news in The Office world.  It is being reported that by the end of the season, viewers will learn that a character on The Office is pregnant.  Who could it be?

OK, let’s run down the contenders:


Possible, but unlikely given that she just went through a real pregnancy.  Just the thought of Andy or Dwight fathering a child is terrifying and something even the sadists in The Office writing room wouldn’t inflict upon America. 


Interesting thought.  It would have to be either a vindictive pregnancy to get back at Ryan (that doesn’t make sense, but it might to Kelly) or the result of a rebound night out in New York with her former boyfriend.  Chances are very low.


Does Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration) want a child?  Doubtful. 


Meredith does like to get drunk, and when you get drunk things happen.  If Michael knocks her up in a drunken stupor, I think the audience would be appalled.  So, it’s probably not going to happen.


Now we get down to the two favorites.  My money’s on Jan.  I can definitely see a scenario in which Jan re-appears in the finale to break the news to Michael in a very untimely fashion.  Also, it will set up Jan as a more permanent fixture for seasons to come, which makes sense considering that she’s still a member of the main cast.


Pam getting pregnant with Jim’s child is something that would likely please Jammers out there to no end, but I think that will wait.  Here’s how I see the finale going down:  There’s a big build-up to Jim proposing to Pam, but when he finally does it, their thunder is stolen by the news that Jan is pregnant with Michael’s child. 

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of NBC)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV