It’s tempting to think of The Bachelor: The Women Tell All special as a big, fat waste of time. They had more than enough chances (about two hours per week!) to speak their minds about Brad and the show while they were on the show, and most of them did post-show interviews in which they revealed almost nothing, so do we REALLY care what the eliminated Bachelorettes have to say now that a couple more months have passed? Sure, Brad will be there, but it’s not like he can give anything away about what happens next week. In truth, the only person I’m actually excited to hear from is Michelle, but from the looks of the preview for tonight’s special (below), the other women are going to make her cry, and that’s not the Michelle I know or want to remember. She should be making THEM cry!

So it might turn out to be two hours of bickering and mudslinging among people we had almost succeeded in forgetting about. But you’re going to watch it anyway, so why not think of The Women Tell All as a game? A DRINKING GAME in which you test your retention, endurance and tolerance skills? Now that sounds like fun and not even close to a waste of time. (But it might get you wasted … *WINK*!)

The point is that I made a Women Tell All Drinking Game, and you should play it tonight if you feel like it. It’s not like your mouth is going to be busy gasping at all the revelatory information you’re hearing. First, watch the episode preview. The game is below.

The Bachelor: The Women Tell All Drinking Game

Drink every time…

– Chris Harrison says: “shocking,” “controversial,” “heartbreak” or “in Bachelor history.” Drink 2: If he swears or tells someone to shut up.

– Brad avoids answering a question by laughing or saying “My God.” Drink 2: If he says “badly.”

– Some woman is talking about her experience and you’re like, “Who is that?” Drink 2: If you’re such a Bachelor nerd that you remember all their names. (High-five, nerds! Myself included here.)

– A woman describes Brad as a “great guy.” Drink 2: If you remember her badmouthing or crying over him on the show.

– A woman talks about all the great friendships she made. Drink 2: If anyone says “I wasn’t there to make friends.” 

– Raichel and Melissa’s ongoing “feud” gets discussed, like anybody cares. Drink 2: This happens without any mention of how it started or what it was about.

– Someone calls out Michelle for her crazy. Drink 2: If you start to sympathize with her.

– You enjoy the 3-minute gag reel more than you enjoyed any of the two-hour episodes. 

– You find yourself thinking, “Tell All? More like Tell NOTHING.” Drink 2: If anyone actually tells us something that interests or surprises you. 

That’s the game! I hope it makes your night more fun. Have some rule ideas of your own? Please share them in the comments so we can all play them, too.

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(Image courtesy of ABC)  

Meghan Carlson

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

Meghan hails from Walla Walla, WA, the proud home of the world’s best sweet onions and Adam West, the original Batman. An avid grammarian and over-analyzer, you can usually find her thinking too hard about plot devices in favorites like The OfficeIt’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and How I Met Your Mother. In her spare time, Meghan enjoys drawing, shopping, trying to be funny (and often failing), and not understanding the whole Twilight thing. She’s got a BA in English and Studio Art from Whitman College, which makes her a professional arguer, daydreamer, and doodler.