Gilmore Girls has already aired its final episode on May 15, 2007, after 153 episodes and seven seasons. However, just because the show has ended on television doesn’t mean it’s over for the mother and daughter tandem. Series creator Amy Sherman-Palladino is actually pondering about making the comedy-drama into a two-hour movie.

According to TV Guide, which claims to have run into Sherman-Palladino, there’s a possibility of coming up with a Gilmore Girls movie, which would attempt to give some answers to all the loose ends left after the series ended. This will also give closure on the lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore.

Upon learning about the idea, the some of the cast of Gilmore Girls have reacted positively towards making a movie. Lauren Graham has said, “Could be a fun idea if everyone wanted to do it. I would do it just to get the four final words out of Amy. They torture me.”

Many fans have been devastated by the abrupt cancellation of Gilmore Girls, which was announced early May. The CW and Warner Bros. Television has previously released a joint statement saying, “Announcing the final season of Gilmore Girls is truly a sad moment for everyone at The CW and Warner Bros. Television…This series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world featuring some of television’s most memorable, lovable characters. We thank Amy Sherman-Palladino, Dan Palladino, Dave Rosenthal, the amazing cast led by Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel as well as the producers, writers and crew for giving us this delightful gem for the past seven years. We would also like to thank the critics and ‘Gilmore’ fans for their passionate support and promise to give this series the send off it deserves.”

The show not being picked up has been reportedly due to financial disputes with its two lead actresses, Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel.

Is a Gilmore Girls movie a good idea? What do you think?

-Kris De Leon, BuddyTV Staff Columnist


(Photo Courtesy of TV Guide)

Kris De Leon

Staff Writer, BuddyTV