On Monday, The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars Teresa and Joe Giudice were indicted on 39 counts including bank fraud, tax evasion and bankruptcy fraud.

Since the charges were made public, according to the Daily News the two made bail at a combined $1 million. The two were also forced to surrender their passports and told that they are not to travel outside the New Jersey/New York area.

Teresa and Joe not only are facing up to 50 years in prison each, but Joe is not a US citizen and may face being deported back to Italy.

RHONJ Star Teresa Giudice Talks About Her Family Struggles >>>

Although there has been no official statement from Bravo, an inside source told the Daily News that The Real Housewives of New Jersey may be in danger of cancellation: “Nobody wants to see their talent in this kind of situation.”

The source indicated that Teresa had been pitching spin-off ideas to Bravo before all of her legal troubles surfaced. But apparently, the network told them that they were not interested.

“Bravo only spins off happy situations — marriages, baby news. Not prison,” the insider said.

In addition to all of their troubles, it seems that Joe has not been behaving appropriately to the media. He reportedly slapped a news camera out of way after their appearance in Newark Federal Court, and he and his parents have been swearing at reporters. Not only that, but his father, Frank, mooned some of the cameras after their court appearance.

Teresa broke her silence yesterday when she tweeted, “Thank you all so much for your love and support. It means the world to me and my family! Tanti Baci [many kisses] Xx.”

A source close to Teresa says that she is in denial about the charges, which to any fan of the show may not come as a surprise. She was also photographed on Tuesday with her daughter Milania, smiling and laughing and looking as if nothing had happened.

“Teresa thinks people are coming after her because she is famous,” the source said. “She honestly thinks she has done nothing wrong. She is old-fashioned and thinks her husband knows best.”

It seems that the press has been reaching out to Teresa’s co-stars for information as well as reactions, which has certainly rubbed co-star Jacqueline Laurita the wrong way.

“The press can stop coming to my door and calling my husband for us to comment regarding recent news,” she tweeted. “We have no comment.”

Her co-star and friend Kim DePaola, however, was eager to talk to the press and come to her defense.

“Knowing Teresa as well as I know her, and I think I know her, I don’t think she would ever willingly do this,” Kim D told Us Weekly. “She has four kids. I don’t think she’s capable of it. I think there’s been a witch-hunt going on for a long time for her.”

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(Image and video courtesy of Bravo)

Gina Pusateri

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV