On The Bachelor, ladies be sobbin’. But once the show’s over, the ladies be vloggin’.

Check out what Emily, Michelle and Ashley S. had to say about this week’s Bachelorette premiere starring their friend Ashley Hebert. The thread that ties them all together? They’re not Bentley fans, either.

Emily’s Vlog: “God knows I love a plaid shirt, but … eww!”
The (officially single?) winner of The Bachelor 15 will be video-blogging this season, and her first video is mostly what you’d expect: Sweet and apologetic analysis of even the most appalling guys, with the exception of Bentley, whom you’ll recall was very open about how he wished Emily was The Bachelorette this season. So it’s all the more gratifying to watch Ms. Maynard (whose hair looks angelic, natch) allow herself an “Eww!” about this season’s villain, whose face she initially liked until she found out his heart was so gross.

Emily likes Ben F., too! I feel so validated.

Michelle’s Vlog: “Send Bentley home ASAP!”
We were right! Michelle is the fellow Salt Lake City resident who called Ashley to warn her against “Bad News Bentley.” (Michelle and I have the same nickname for him, too. Are we telepathically CONNECTED? Like a Vulcan mind-meld? I’m excited and scared.) And she doesn’t seem too shy about being the source, so I’m not sure why they didn’t mention her in the episode. But the point is: Bentley clearly sucks whether you know his mysteriously shady past or not. It’s a sad day for the Bachelorette when Michelle Money can tell her, “I told you so.”

Also, I love the way she paused her DVR right on his dumb, smug face.

Ashley S.’s Vlog: “Can we just get rid of Bentley?”
Ashley Hebert’s sweet Southern BFF shares her take on the premiere as well. She too is pretty generous when it comes to Jeff’s mask, Mickey’s kiss and Drunk Tim, but she can’t believe Ashley kept Bentley, either. It’s unanimous! 

What a weird way to end a video. Oh well, maybe we’ll learn why Ashley loved Ben C. so much next week.

(Image: TheBachelor.WarnerBros.com)

Meghan Carlson

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

Meghan hails from Walla Walla, WA, the proud home of the world’s best sweet onions and Adam West, the original Batman. An avid grammarian and over-analyzer, you can usually find her thinking too hard about plot devices in favorites like The OfficeIt’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and How I Met Your Mother. In her spare time, Meghan enjoys drawing, shopping, trying to be funny (and often failing), and not understanding the whole Twilight thing. She’s got a BA in English and Studio Art from Whitman College, which makes her a professional arguer, daydreamer, and doodler.