Big Brother 15 is rapidly becoming The Helen Show. The woman is a force of nature. She might be the oldest person in the house, but she’s wickedly smart, quite athletic, a huge fan of the show and, as far as I’m concerned, her conviction and determination were the primary reason Nick was evicted. So who did she nominate for eviction?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 15 spoilers.

Helen nominated Aaryn and Kaitlin.

Nominating Aaryn is an obvious choice because she’s just plain awful, and arguably the strongest female competitor since she stayed on the popsicle in the first HoH challenge for three hours, outlasting all the other girls, and she won the second endurance HoH. Kaitlin seems nominated as a pawn.

In addition, the plan is to have the MVP nominate Howard because Helen knows he’s against them.

Helen knows that Howard and Spencer concocted a plan to split their votes this week and try to blame Jessie. She also knows about the Moving Company (Amanda told her first, and 15 minutes later, Jeremy told her too). When Helen met with Howard, he confessed to being the fourth vote to evict Elissa this week, but he denied working with Nick in an all-guys alliance. She tried to give him a chance to be honest, but he refused to take it.

So now Helen doesn’t trust Howard or Spencer at all, but it’s a little complicated because Candice really likes Howard and wants to believe him.

Assuming Howard goes up as the MVP nominee and the Power of Veto gets used, they can backdoor Jeremy. This is in spite of a deal Helen made with Jeremy to keep him safe this week if he agrees to never go after her or Elissa in the future. I’m pretty sure that deal was just in case Jeremy gets picked to play in the Power of Veto and wins. In other words, it’s a deal where Helen isn’t actually going to help Jeremy at all.

Andy has also grown close to Kaitlin, and Jeremy seems open to trying to form a bond with him. He’s pushing for an alliance with Andy, Helen, Jeremy and Kaitlin, which is crazy and probably won’t happen, but I think it could be cool. Jeremy tried to bond with Andy by telling him all about the Moving Company. The best part is that Andy acted surprised despite the fact that McCrae told him all about it last night. In other words, Andy has no real intention of aligning with Jeremy.

In addition, Amanda is stirring up some major crap by telling Aaryn about the Moving Company and she lied that Jeremy voted against David. Amanda is clearly trying to make sure Aaryn and Jeremy are working against each other. I don’t understand any of this, because since the Team Elissa Alliance has the numbers, trying to turn the other four against each other feels like they’re just playing with their food for sport. Why are they all pretending to make fake alliances with Aaryn, Jeremy and Kaitlin? It’s making me really hate Amanda, because she’s starting unnecessary crap just for the sake of causing drama. And making deals of any kind with Aaryn while turning on Jeremy just boggles my mind.

The dynamic is basically that Jeremy and Kaitlin have split from Aaryn and GinaMarie, with Howard and Spencer as another outcast pair. The other eight, however, seem solid, though they’re already forming cliques (Amanda, McCrae, Judd and Jessie will grow a lot closer since they are the Have-Nots this week).

Personally, I hope Jeremy survives this week. I know people don’t like him because he’s a bully, but I really want to believe he’s just a dumb, immature kid who has a lot of growing up to do. He’s been surprisingly calm following Nick’s eviction, unlike Aaryn who went even crazier than usual Thursday night. And Jeremy confessed to Helen about the Moving Company while Howard and Spencer have not.

I know the thought process for Helen, Elissa and Candice is that big, strong guys need to go ASAP because they always win, and girls only win if they go to the end with another girl. But right now, there are more awful and untrustworthy people for Helen to go after (Aaryn, Spencer, Howard). Also, if Helen is thinking long-term, Jeremy could be helpful if she ever needs to break up McCrae and Amanda.

Although that could be why Helen is also trying to sway Kaitlin and GinaMarie to join her side. Helen seems to be amassing a female army, which should make the guys worried. Obviously Jeremy, Spencer and Howard’s days are numbered, but McCrae and Judd should watch their backs too, because I could see the ladies turning on them once they reach the final 7 or 8.

What do you think of Helen’s nominations? Should Aaryn be evicted this week or does Jeremy need to get backdoored?

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(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.