Meredith takes a big step forward with Will in Grey’s Anatomy season 12, episode 16, “When It Hurts So Bad,” but it’s not a happy morning after. Maggie and Amelia join her in cleaning the house as they deal with their own relationship problems. Meanwhile, Callie has to figure out where she is in her relationship with Penny, and Catherine returns, with a hidden agenda.

Here are the best quotes from “When It Hurts So Bad.”

Grey’s Anatomy Recap: Meredith Throws Will Out of Her House>>>

“I was staring at Mount Everest, and I was ready to climb.”

Ashley: “He’s funny, cute and sweet, and so I thought, what if he’s big? I’m an athlete. I ran the New York State Marathon the fastest of anyone in my age group. And I don’t back down from a challenge.”
Stephanie: “Maybe you should have backed down from this one.”
Ashley: “Hey, you shouldn’t say things like that. People make assumptions based on size all the time. … I mean, obviously the size difference crossed my mind, but I am not a quitter. I was staring at Mount Everest, and I was ready to climb.”

“I almost killed her. With our sex.”
– Chris

“So you came to Seattle for some sun?”
Catherine: “It is so cold and sleeting back east. Just dreadful.”
Jackson: “So you came to Seattle for some sun?”
Catherine: “I came to Seattle for my son.”

“You can’t avoid her forever. Not when she’s about to become Hurricane Granny.”

April: “She’s worse than bad. She can be terrifying, like a hurricane. When she hits, you do not want to be in her wake.”
Riggs: “You can’t avoid her forever. Not when she’s about to become Hurricane Granny.”
– Discussing Catherine’s presence in the hospital

“Ashley was just out for a joy ride with her top down and then bam, head-on collision.”
Ben: “I met a puppy once that was half German Shepherd, half teacup Chihuahua. And all I could think was, how did you happen?”
Stephanie: “I once watched this monster truck crush this two-seater convertible at an intersection, and the truck barely had a scratch on it, but the convertible was totaled.”
Ben: “I mean, logistically, if the Chihuahua is the dad, does he just hop up on the German Shepherd mom?”
Stephanie: “Ashley was just out for a joy ride with her top down and then bam, head-on collision.”
Ben: “Or is the German Shepherd the dad and they give a ladder to the little Chihuahua mom so she can reach him?”

“I said get out of here and you take that thing with you.”
Stephanie: “It sounds fun, but you do not want to run into a German Shepherd in the wild. Happened to me in college.”
Owen: “I don’t think this conversation is entirely appropriate.”
Callie: “No, it’s not. … Continue.”
Stephanie: “Yeah, I was at a party, met a guy, took him home, and when his pants came off, my jaw hit the floor, and so did it. … I said get out of here and you take that thing with you.”

“And we own it?”
Maggie: “What vacuum cleaner is this complicated?”
Meredith: “It’s a carpet steamer.”
Maggie: “And we own it?”

“There is. There’s a stain.”

Alex: “Where is he? I’ll kill him. Did he hurt you? Are you hurt?”
Meredith: “Go fill this with water. Cold.”
Alex: “What’s going on?”
Meredith: “There’s a stain on the carpet.”
Alex: “You said this was an emergency.”
Maggie: “There is. There’s a stain.”

“The steam is facing the carpet. How many other ways are there?”
Amelia: “Are we facing this the right way?”
Meredith: “The steam is facing the carpet. How many other ways are there?”

“That’s the problem.”
Amelia: “He’s been a little stand-offish. And hard to reach. And not entirely upfront about everything he’s doing.”
Maggie: “A little, I guess. What are you saying?”

Amelia: “He’s giving you the brush-off.”
Maggie: “No. no, he’s not giving me anything.”
Alex: “That’s the problem.”
Maggie: “You think he’s dumping me? That’s ridiculous.”
Amelia: “Unless it isn’t. Where are you going?”
Maggie: “To the hospital. No one brushes me off. I brush. I’m the brusher.”
Amelia: “No, no, no. this is a bad idea. Mer, you want to jump in here?”
Meredith: “The stain is not coming out.”

“It’s his stupid, stupid blanket. We’re done cleaning.”
– Meredith, upon finding Derek’s blanket in a closet

“Everyone said I was ready. You said I would be okay, so I thought I should just do it and get it over with. But I wasn’t ready for it to be… “
– Meredith explaining to Alex why she freaked out about Will in her bed that morning

“No one needs to climb Everest twice.”
Ashley: “Listen, Chris, I’ve been to the mountaintop, and it’s exhilarating, but – “
Chris: “But you don’t ever want to see me again, do you?”
Ashley: “No one needs to climb Everest twice.”

“I’ll be waiting until you’re ready because I’m pretty sure you’re worth waiting for.”

Will: “You’re not ready.”
Meredith: “I guess I’m not. I want to be.”
Will: “Okay, then. I’ll back off. For a little while. But so you’re prepared, I’m going to call you again, and if you ignore me, I’m going to show up again and we’ll go back to sitting in that car, talking and laughing and I’ll be waiting until you’re ready because I’m pretty sure you’re worth waiting for.”

Grey’s Anatomy season 12 airs Thursdays at 8pm on ABC.

(Images courtesy of ABC)

Meredith Jacobs

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV

If it’s on TV — especially if it’s a procedural or superhero show — chances are Meredith watches it. She has a love for all things fiction, starting from a young age with ER and The X-Files on the small screen and the Nancy Drew books. Arrow kicked off the Arrowverse and her true passion for all things heroes. She’s enjoyed getting into the minds of serial killers since Criminal Minds, so it should be no surprise that her latest obsession is Prodigal Son.