A lot of reality TV watchers know Heather Kuzmich as one of the top 5 finalists on America’s Next Top Model Cycle 9.  However, she’s also rather famous in the world of gaming.  Kuzmich is actually enrolled in a video game art design program at the Illinois Institute of Art, and she’s someone willing to transcend boundaries in order to prove herself.

While on America’s Next Top Model, Heather won nine CoverGirl of the Week awards and accomplished a TV record.  No one has ever done that before, and it was a proud moment for the contestant.  Even so, she was ready to establish herself as more than a pretty face.

Kuzmich was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome when she was 15, but she never let it hold her back.  She became a role model to many as she continued to pursue her dreams, exceeding expectations and conquering challenges.  This is one of the many reasons why Heather Kuzmich was selected by Rahul Sood, founder of Voodoo PC, to be one of their People to Envy. 

Sood’s interview with America’s Next Top Model‘s Heather revealed the secret to her success.  “What drives me is probably curiosity, boredom, and to prove my inner critic or a peer, wrong.  I am an extremely stubborn person and hate to be told that I can’t do something (unless it’s flying, and I’m working on that!).” 

“I think the hardest challenge is to live up to my own expectations.  I am probably my biggest critic and I’ve got to catch myself or else I’ll beat myself up and get psyched out before I even do anything,” she said. 

It’s also been a wonder how Kuzmich manages to shift from modeling to designing video games.  But she admits that it’s the other way around.  “To be honest, I always wanted to do something that included art and creating stuff with my hands.  At first I wanted to get into costume design, but that soon changed to game design, especially since I frigging love games and love doing weird designs for characters.” 

Kuzmich is truly a unique personality, but she has her own ideas of what makes her stand out.  “What sets me apart is that no matter how hard one tries, there is really no way to define or label me in three words or less.”

As for those looking to follow her footsteps, Heather Kuzmich has this to say: “My advice for accomplishing your goals: DON’T GIVE UP; stay calm and say little because it portrays confidence; take “no/cannot/can’t” as a challenge.”

-Maria Gonzalez, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: RahulSood.com, PSX Extreme
(Image Courtesy of the CW)


Maria Gonzalez

Staff Writer, BuddyTV