One wife wines, another one whines, and one Richards sister talks about the other. Oh yes, it’s a typical day in Real Housewives land!

Let Her Cup Runneth Overflow with Pinot
One of the Real Housewives of New York City‘s few remaining stars, Ramona Singer, has been accused of acting like a diva (shock!). It seems that not only has Ramona been bringing her own bottle of her Ramona Pinot Grigio to the restaurants she visits, but she is also demanding that upscale restaurants include her product on the menu while her show is shooting. She, of course, denies such willful behavior.

“Am I passionate about my pinot grigio? Absolutely!” she told Wetpaint. “And now that I have my own wine, why wouldn’t I bring a bottle with me? But I always call ahead and ask permission and they usually charge me a bottle fee.”

“On Display” Cliche
Melissa Gorga, multi-platinum star of the Real Housewives of New Jersey told the that this past season on the show was much more difficult than she originally anticipated when she signed on, saying it’s been like “riding a rollercoaster.” She did, however, say that things with sister-in-law Teresa Giudice are better than they used to be.

“I have no regrets,” she said. “We weren’t speaking at all before the show. The show brought us together, and we have to be in the same room and fix the problems instead of avoiding each other. It helped us to get back together.”

She also pontificated about her music career saying, “I think it was gutsy of me to sing on national TV when I’ve never been properly trained.” Wow, you don’t say, Melissa.

My Sister’s Boyfriend
In her blog, Kyle Richards brings up some of the issues she has with her sister Kim Richards‘ behavior.

“I think that Kim feels lonely and isolated and that being closer to her family would help,” Kyle wrote about Kim’s decision to move. “When Kim told me she was moving in with her neighbor Ken, I was so disappointed and worried to be honest. I know my sister very well. I thought that if this was someone she really cared for, we would have known about him a long time ago. I felt she was making this decision based on convenience and loneliness, which worried me and made me sad.”

She also wrote about Kim’s new beau, “I do not know Ken. I have heard thing that put me off, however, if Kim truly is happy, I will support her. I just don’t feel she is…”

Lizzing over The Real Housewives
30 Rock star and creator Tina Fey went on Brian Williams’ show the other day to talk about, among other things, her love/hate relationship with the Real Housewives.

“I don’t like it so much when they’re fighting,” she explained, saying that she “can only do” Beverly Hills and New York City. She also said that the ‘wives of New Jersey are “subhuman.”

“I literally can’t tell the women apart,” she said about the Orange County housewives. “I literally–They look like a fire at a wax museum.” Consider our mind grapes blown.

Gina Pusateri
Contributing Writer

(Image courtesy of NBC)

Gina Pusateri

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV