I know a Woo girl.  She’s not depressed or anything, though – just tends to get a little rowdy on the weekends.  I have, however, witnessed the Woo Girl herd in the wild many times, and it is a phenomenon that is difficult to ascertain.  Where do they come from?  Why do they exist?  There is a herd mentality that How I Met Your Mother alluded to last night that is key to understanding the movements and characteristics of the Woo Girl.  They gain both their power and their profound stupidity in their numbers.  It’s typical lowest-common-denominator stuff.  Everyone in the group devolves and acts like the dumbest person there.  If there was a low point on last night’s mostly great episode of How I Met Your Mother, it was seeing Robin as a Woo Girl.  Didn’t think she had it in her. 

People act differently given their surroundings, probably more so these days than any time in the past.  There are so many available persona out there that we’ve become familiar with thanks to TV, film and the internet.  Robin was able to fit right in to the Woo Girl collective, because she has been practiced in the ways of adaptation, while Lily was not.  I don’t fully buy Robin’s explanation for the existence of the Woo Girl, in that it’s merely making up for the inner sadness each Girl feels.  I think everyone has the deep-seeded desire to be inhibition free and act like an idiot and, for some women, the only way to do this is get drunk in a large group of like-minded pseudo-friends.  Some may be depressed, some may be happy, some may be merely looking for a change of pace.  Robin was looking for a change of pace, something a little different.  I suppose there’s no shame in that. 

Has Barney’s dickery gone too far?  How could anyone do that to their friend?  Is there not a Bro Code that covers this situation?  As funny as The Sven Collective was, is Barney really so childish as to be enticed by a T. Rex office?  I find that hard to believe, even for Barney, who actively wants to be in Ted’s good graces.  The Sven building was overblown, on purpose, I know, but the principle behind it remained the same.  Ted’s design was better, and Barney betrayed Ted.  This was a stretch for the Barney character, and one night of tying Barney up to a mechanical bull isn’t enough to make amends. 

However, I love the story device that Ted’s hiring allows.  The three male leads now get to work together, which opens up a whole boat load of story opportunities.  It’s a device that can give the writers at least a season’s worth of material.  I hope they keep the roof set – there should be conference calls aplenty in the near future.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of CBS)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV