The one person on Big Brother 9 that I’ve been unable to pin down is James.  While many of the house guests cultivate bizarre personalities and have continually baffled me with their actions, James has always come off as more normal than his self-prescribed nickname (Crazy James) would merit.  Help me out, live feed watchers: Is James crazier than the Big Brother editors are letting on?  Besides the pink hair, James seems like a grounded dude.  He stays within himself, is reasonable when it comes to game play, and has endured a very relatable situation with his crush on Chelsia.  If it weren’t for the gay porn, I’d think James was the most normal guy in the house.  However, when judging someone’s true character, a history in gay porn has to be a key piece of the puzzle.  I don’t get it.  I’m calling on you, live feed watchers, to tell us what James is really like.  OK, now to the business of spoilers.  On Sunday’s Big Brother, we saw the bros get together and nominate Chelsia and Sharon.  We have the results of the Power of Veto competition and Power of Veto ceremony.  Spoilers below.


The competitors in the veto competition were Ryan, Chelsia, Sharon, Adam (Ryan’s pick), Sheila (Chelsia’s pick) and Joshuah (Sharon’s pick). 

Chelsia won the Power of Veto. 

This was, obviously, a big time victory for Chelsia.  At the Power of Veto ceremony, Chelsia used the veto power to take herself off the block.  In response, Ryan put up her former partner James.  This further proves my earlier assertion that Ryan wants to break up the two strong couples (James and Chelsia, Sharon and Josh).  After watching Sunday’s episode, it seems possible that James could have saved himself from nomination had he been more gung ho about joining the alliance with Matt, Ryan and Adam.  Now, the chances are he’ll be evicted.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
Source: RealityBBQ
(Image Courtesy of

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV