Tuesdays are Power of Veto days at the Big Brother house and therefore contain some of the most important moments of the show.  Even this early in the season, the results of tonight’s Power of Veto will likely have far-reaching ramifications.  With Jen as Head of Household, you knew that fireworks would be aplenty and tonight’s episode did not disappoint.  The houseguests are no longer shy about calling Jen out over her, well, Jen-ness.  I’m sure Big Brother is happy about this: it makes for good television.  With the image of Jen’s leotard seared freshly into my brain, let’s go to the recap!

Everyone Still Hates Jen

The episode begins as every episode should begin as long as Jen is in the house: the houseguests hating on Jen.  This time it’s because of her asinine rationale for nominating Dick and Daniele (“negative vibes” and whatnot.  Dick, Daniele, Amber, and Nick give varying reasons fro Jen’s nominations, but all agree that they really don’t like Jen. 

Amber Breaks a Water Main 

Amber cries at least 5 or 6 times during this episode.  It’s really starting to become too much.  First, she cries because Dick and Daniele are nominated.  That’s right, she’s crying because two people other than herself have been nominated.  Then, she cries because she was selected to participate in the Power of Veto.  Why?  Because it was too much pressure.  From then on, she pretty much cried anytime Jen talked to her.  Girl is seriously unstable.  A good person, it seems, but unstable.

Nick, Daniele and Mrs. Robinson

Nick and Daniele.  Just a couple of kids falling in love.  We get a glorious clip at the beginning of the episode (which I hope Nick’s friends use as a YouTube blackmailing threat for years to come) in which Nick lays down his feelings for Daniele.  They’re whispering in bed together and Nick tries to start crying, admits he’s falling for Dani and, most importantly, spills the beans on the Mrs. Robinson alliance.  That’s going to come back to bite him.  He says he’s loyal to Daniele.  Daniele, in return, tells Nick her secret: she’s only 20. 


America’s Player, Eric, receives his next task.  He has to sleepwalk into someone else’s bed in the middle of the night and stay there until the person kicks him off.  America chooses Joe’s bed for Eric to infiltrate.  So, Eric walks into Joe’s bed at 3:30AM and starts nuzzling up against his leg.  Joe stirs, sees what’s going on, but does nothing.  Nothing.  Eric gets more aggressive with his nuzzling, but Joe still does nothing.  Eric eventually gives up, and thus fails the task. 

Jen Ignites a Fracas

The veto participants are chosen: Mike, Amber, and Joe join Dick, Daniele and Jen.  There’s an hour wait between the picking of participants and the actual competition, and in that hour all hell breaks loose.  First, Jen confronts Amber and tells her that Amber should help her make Dick and Daniele lose.  If she doesn’t, then Jen will put up someone she is close to.  Jen, here, is being a ridiculous self-centered bully.  Amber heads to the storage room and starts crying.  She tells Daniele about this, and Dick gets wind of it as well.  Daniele confronts Jen first, tells her off (quite nicely, I might add) and Dick follows.  Dick is especially brutal towards Jen, and she deserves it.  Joe follows it all by piling on Jen, and it’s all pretty fun to watch.  Jameka and Zach have a little argument as well.

Christmas in July

Everyone walks out into the backyard for the PoV competition.  It’s snowing, fake artificial snow everywhere, with a big Christmas tree and it looks like the holidays.  Also, in the middle of it all, is a curling lane (you know, curling, the Canadian sport, like shuffleboard but on ice, dudes use brooms as well).  So, here’s the game: Each of the six players take turns pushing the curling puck down the ice and try to get it as close to the red line as they can.  The player whose puck is furthest away at the end of each round is eliminated, but takes a gift from under the tree.  After the first round, each eliminated contestant has the option of stealing another person’s gift.  It’s called “Cutthroat Christmas”. 

Joe is eliminated first and received a slop pass.
Jen is eliminated second and is forced to wear a red leotard and only the red leotard for the next week.
Mike is eliminated third and gets to go on a Big Brother date with anyone in the house.
Dick is eliminated fourth and receives a plasma TV, although he’d rather have the veto.
Amber is eliminated last (although she says she didn’t try to win, which I believe) and has to handcuff herself to one houseguest for 24 hours (she chooses Kail). 

That means Daniele is the winner.  This is a huge deal for both Daniele (obviously) and Dick.  Jen is not very happy.

Jen and her Leotard Nominate Joe

Now Jen has to decide who to nominate in Daniele’s stead.  Everyone is telling her to put Joe up, but Jen is reticent.  Being jealous of Daniele makes her want to put Nick up, but at the PoV ceremony she thinks better of it and puts Joe on the block.  One gets the feeling that Joe is going to be the one sent home on Thursday.  Dick has more allies at this point. 

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of RealityTV Magazine)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV