And suddenly that two-week gap made sense.  After last week’s True Blood finally went to air, I’ve been reading quite a lot of reactions, all saying it’s the best episode in the entire series so far, or something as lofty.  Makes sense, actually, considering that it laid itself out just right–the slow build towards Maryann’s identity, or the climax (can’t help it) between Tara and Eggs’ relationship, or Jason’s life within the Fellowship…

But the booms were those scenes in Dallas.  Surely I’m not alone in finding something endearing in that last scene, when Sookie realizes Jessica had room service–human room service–and later finds out that the person who sent that guy in can also read minds.  I haven’t read the books, but I’m figuring out Barry’s entrance is quite crucial, and yet despite whatever significance it holds, it was nice when they kept it quirky.  It felt delicate, or something.

That, and I’m slowly finding Jessica more and more adorable.  Who would’ve thought someone would get teenage vampires right?

Oh, right, that other vampire’s just stuck in a teen’s body.

On to my bad questions, then.  And nothing associated with Maryann, because we’ll only have questions when tonight’s episode airs, definitely.  You know, stuff that everyone’s already asked but still needs asking.  Like, why is Jason being recruited to that anti-vampire whatever?  Why does Sarah have to dress like that whenever he’s around?  I’m slowly moving towards the hedonist slant because of the stuff we’ve seen Maryann do–and surely you’ve seen her explain stuff, right?  The rest, well, I expect them to unfold tonight.

Tonight’s True Blood gets us back to Dallas, where the gang continue the search for missing Godric, complete with Eric opening up to Bill, and Sookie getting that close to trouble again.  Back in Bon Temps, Maryann tries her best to get Tara back to her–and Sam, unless you’re really leaving town, you’ll be part of it too.  That, and Sarah giving Jason a reward (whatever that means), happens tonight from 9pm on HBO.

– Henrik Batallones, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
(Image courtesy of HBO)

Henrik Batallones

Staff Writer, BuddyTV