Tonight on Top Chef, Natalie Portman! Yes, the Star Wars and Closer star will drop by the Bravo cooking show as guest client during the episode’s elimination challenge, along with friends at Craftsteak, Tom Colicchio’s Las Vegas restaurant. Meanwhile, for the quickfire challenge, TV Guide’s editors drop by to complicate things with their list of shows to use as inspiration for TV dinners.

Last week’s Top Chef brought back the famed restaurant wars (not the Facebook variety, OK no that’s Restaurant City and Mafia Wars, my bad). But prior to that was the very exciting quickfire, where teams of four had to cook one dish, with one person doing it step by step without any idea what’s going on, or what the first person envisioned.

The blue team – team captain Jennifer, Kevin, Mike I., and very happy Laurine – won the challenge, although Jen did mistaken call their fish trout. The V brothers were pissed, but you couldn’t really tell with their facial expression. As a reward, the team got advantage for the restaurant wars, where each team would get one floor of a restaurant.

The judges at first had trouble with the name of the first team – Revolt – but that was a little irrelevant later on because everyone loved their food, especially the chicken. Yet just like Hell’s Kitchen, there was a very long gap between first and second courses, so that wasn’t good. There were also squabbles in the kitchen because Robin didn’t like Michael intrude on her dish. But the dessert turned out lovely, yey for Robin!

On the other hand, there was no dessert on the menu for team Mission – that’s the other one, and right off the bat Padma asked for salt, not a good sign. They also had trouble with the gap between the first and second courses, and Laurine wasn’t handling things well. She just kept on running around without explaining stuff, which was the total opposite of Eli. The kitchen wasn’t doing so well either, with overcooked and undercooked stuff, and if Gordon Ramsay was here, he’d be throwing stuff in the floor.

And Laurine, rightly so, was eliminated. If Kevin, Mike, or Jenny were eliminated, that would’ve been a shock, but they weren’t, so that means Top Chef is inching closer and closer to its predictable homestretch. If Robin goes home tonight, that should be well on the script.

– Glenn Diaz, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: Bravo
(Image courtesy of Bravo)

Glenn Diaz

Staff Writer, BuddyTV