Sure, Hugh Laurie didn’t oust George Clooney on the top spot of the sexiest TV doctors ever, but he came dangerously close at second, and if the House star is to be believed, he wasn’t even trying.  Dr. Gregory House, the dark, angry medical genius with the three-day-old stubble has just been voted the second sexist TV doctor ever.  He said being a sex symbol was the last thing on his mind.

Move over Clooney, 'House' is Here

“Seriously? Oh, I can’t think about things like that at all. I can agree that the character of House is sort of a sexy one, that there’s even something of the Lord Byron about him, the wounded genius and all, yes, I can see that, but as for myself…  House is an unhappy, tortured soul; he’s rude, and he doesn’t care what the rest of the world thinks.  If someone behaved like House in real life, he would quite quickly be punched or put in jail.”

When you think about it, it does seem slightly odd, comparing Laurie with Clooney, who’s been dubbed world’s sexist man an odd number of times.  And it is not as if there is a shortage on hot doctors on television. Grey’s Anatomy alone has a stable-full, from Isaiah Washington, Eric Daine, and McDreamy Patrick Dempsey.  Laurie, however, seems to exhibit something female viewers seem to find almost darkly attractive.

”I’m very fond of the guy, actually.  I love the mixture of light and dark in him, the fact that, at times, he is an eight-year-old child and at others an avenging angel ready to slay the dragons.”

Despite the success of House, Laurie reveals that he thought it would only last a month.

“The rest of the cast were signing leases on houses and I was in a hotel and didn’t even unpack,” he kids.

Four years, 18 million viewers, three Emmy nominations, two Golden Globe awards and a reputed £100,000 per episode, later, he is now planning to move his family to Los Angeles to make his trans-Atlantic family happier and make filming House much more enjoyable.

-Glenn L. Diaz, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: The Daily Mail
(Image Courtesy of The Daily Mail)

Glenn Diaz

Staff Writer, BuddyTV