After much buzz over the controversial ending of the long-running mob drama The Sopranos, cast members have finally revealed their sentiments over the abrupt and baffling culmination.

James Gandolfini, who played the mafia boss Tony Soprano, and the rest of the cast members of the show have nothing but compliments for show creator David Chase. The cast also commends Chase for leaving the viewers guessing after cutting the screen to black for 10 seconds at the series finale, which aired on Sunday, June 10, 2007.

The last scene has featured Tony as he was waiting for his family at a diner. Tension builds up as different people come through the door while Meadow attempts to parallel-park outside. However, upon Meadow’s entry in the diner, the picture cuts out, sending many fans disappointed with the vague ending. While many fans have been ranting about the unconventional conclusion, Gandolfini, on the other hand, has revealed, “The ending was exactly what it should have been.”

“You have to ask David Chase about that. Smarter minds than mine know the answer to that. I thought it was a great ending,” Gandolfini has told the New York Daily News.

For Edie Falco, Gandolfini’s onscreen wife who played Carmela Soprano, she explains that she too has been left in the dark about the last scene. “I think the ending was just great. I mean that. I have never second-guessed David Chase, and I’m not about to start now,” she has said. “Yes, I was at that table, but I have no idea what happened after the screen went blank.”

Cast member Steven Van Zandt, who played the character Silvio Dante, has been straightforward with his sentiments. He said, “A conventional ending would have been a fraud. Life doesn’t have tidy little endings. Even some great songs just fade out like the last episode of The Sopranos.”

As for the noise over the possibility of a Sopranos movie, Gandolfini has explained that he has no knowledge of the controversy. He has added, “Don’t look at me. I don’t have an answer. All I know is that it’s over.”

-Kris De Leon, BuddyTV Staff Columnist

Source: E! Online

(Photo Courtesy of Yahoo)

Kris De Leon

Staff Writer, BuddyTV