Only three HGs will make it all the way to Day 92 on Big Brother 19 and get a shot at the half a million dollar prize. Paul already earned his spot by winning the Final 4 HoH competition and in this episode we see the last Power of Veto of the summer and another eviction, the fourth in the past week. So who’s in the Final 3?

This episode also has a lot of drama at the jury house, mostly surrounded Jason learning the truth and everyone laughing at how delusional Raven is.

Paul’s HoH Plan

Paul nominates Josh and Kevin. He makes it clear that Kevin is his target, but once again he wants to avoid getting blood on his hands by making Christmas do the dirty work. Kevin still trusts Paul and believes that Christmas will evict Josh.

The Jury House

Matt shows up, which Mark thinks is a waste because he’s a floater. Mark points out that Kevin being the target was an obvious lie. Cody doesn’t care at all and has no interest in participating.

When Jason walks in, Elena is mortified to see everyone throw the HoH to Christmas. Elena also can’t believe that Jason thought Kevin was the real target. Jason still thinks Alex and Paul were both in on his eviction.

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The real drama comes when Raven and Alex arrive at the jury house. When Raven arrives, Jason learns that Alex had no idea that he was being evicted, but everyone else did. Jason feels sorry that he blamed Alex, he just thought she was good at the game.

Raven claims that she was a puppet master and that she and Mat were Paul’s true alliance. Elena laughs at how dumb she is because EVERYONE was working with Paul.

Alex shows up and Jason is very bitter against Paul, wanting him to lose the game. Everyone gangs up against Raven, mocking her for thinking she was some type of puppet master. Jason and Mark point out that she did absolutely nothing but play house with Matt and Mark is offended that she thinks she was a great player.

The tense moment ends thanks to Cody. When the HGs remind Raven that everyone was working with Paul, Cody says that he wasn’t. Alex and Jason get a kick out of that.

The Final Power of Veto

It’s the days competition where HGs must remember what day a certain event happened. The last person to finish in each round loses a point and if you lose three points, you’re eliminated. It’s basically everyone against Kevin.

Christmas loses the first round, then Kevin loses the next three in a row and he’s eliminated. Kevin clearly didn’t know anything. Then Christmas loses two more rounds and she’s eliminated. Paul and Josh are both extremely good at remembering the days. It’s down to Josh and Paul, and Josh loses three rounds in a row. Paul literally didn’t lose a single round.

Paul wins the final Power of Veto!

He’s happy to have complete control once again. Kevin feels confident that he’ll stay, even if Paul doesn’t use it on him. Kevin asks Paul if the plan is still cool and Paul gives him his word that he’s good. Kevin explains that Christmas would beat anyone in the Final 2.

The Live Eviction

During the live show, Paul decides not to use the Power of Veto. Then Paul gives a preview of his Final 2 speech about how he’s played hard and made big moves. Kevin will respect whatever decision Christmas makes.

Christmas votes to evict…Kevin

Kevin is evicted 1-0!

Christmas explains that she made this decision because Kevin didn’t win any competitions. Kevin is very classy on his way out, telling them to have fun and be good. Kevin doesn’t care that he got evicted. He says that he still trusts Paul.

Goodbye Messages: Paul claims that Christmas went rogue and evicted him. Josh explains that he had a Final 3 deal with Paul and Christmas. Kevin doesn’t seem to care at all that Paul just lied again.

On the bright side, Kevin ties Dr. Will Kirby’s record from All-Stars by finishing in fourth place without winning a single HoH or PoV. Like Dr. Will, Kevin also played in a total of 21 HoH/PoV competitions.

Big Brother 19 will air a special episode Friday at 8/7c, and the two-hour finale airs Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.