It’s the final Power of Veto of Big Brother 18. Following Victor’s eviction and Paul’s HoH win, the Final 4 competed for the most important PoV ever. The line is clearly drawn in the sand, so if Paul or James win it, then James gets to vote out Nicole or Corey. If Nicole or Corey win it, they most likely evict James. So who won it?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 18 spoilers.

Paul nominated Nicole and Corey!

Paul won the Power of Veto!

Paul has all of the power now! He’s obviously not going to use it so James has to vote out Nicole or Corey. It sounds like he’s trying to pressure James to vote how he wants or maybe he’ll threaten to use the PoV so James gets evicted, but that doesn’t seem likely. Odds seems good that Corey will be evicted in fourth place.

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This is a huge coup for Paul, who now ties Corey’s competition wins at 2 HoHs and 3 PoVs. That’s as many comps as Nicole and James combined. If Corey does get evicted, it’s all about the final HoH and who Nicole, James and Paul would take with them to the Final 2. It’s definitely not an easy decision for any of them.

James had a quick conversation with Nicorey telling them that he didn’t want to have to make the decision, so he wanted them to decide which one of them he will evict. It’s truly embarrassing.


-Paul is the 19th HG to win 3 PoVs in a single season and the 21st person to win 5 HoH and PoV competitions in a single season. Both Corey and Paulie also did both of those things this season.

-This is the sixth time that the HoH also won the PoV this season. The most it’s ever happened in the past is four times.

-This is the fifth time the Final 4 HoH and PoV were won by the same person. Winners Andy Herren and Hayden Moss did it in seasons 15 and 12, runner-up Ryan Quicksall did it in season 9 and third-place Danielle Murphree did it in season 14.

-This will be the 12th time James will cast a vote this season, tying Nicole and the all-time record with Austin, Cody and Andy from the past three seasons.

-James is going to be only the sixth player ever to finish in the Final 3 without ever winning a Power of Veto competition.

-Paul is only the third HG to play in 12 Power of Veto competitions in a single season, joining season 16’s Caleb Reynolds and season 17’s John McGuire.

-Nicole is one of only five HGs to reach the Final 4 without ever being nominated, with season 2’s Hardy Ames-Hill, season 3’s Danielle Reyes and Jason Guy and season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.