There are two duos and James left on Big Brother 18, so who’s the target going into the last two weeks of the game? We’ve reached the point where the correct game moves should be obvious for everyone, so winning competitions is the only thing that matters Who’s on the block and who’s the Final 5 target?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 18 spoilers.

Corey Is the New HoH>>

He nominated Paul and Victor.

Yes, the Final Four has been betrayed and, for the second time in three weeks, the Sitting Ducks are sitting next to each other on the block. Corey and Nicole had already planned on making this move, wanting to go to the Final 3 with James because Paul and Victor are better competitors. Victor the competition beast is their main target, but if he wins the PoV, Paul will go instead.

It’s the best game move for Nicorey, though it does continue their season-long strategy of floating from side to side and not staying loyal to anyone. Nicole started with the 8Pack and Fatal 5, but turned on both of them fairly quickly. Then she made an alliance with Jatalie and immediately turned against it. Now she’s betrayed the Final Four. She and Corey are making the right moves, but backstabbing everyone could alienate the jury and cost them the game (just look at Dan on season 14).

Sadly, Paul and Victor didn’t see it coming. They are a bit naive when it comes to the game and seemed truly committed to their alliance with Nicorey. Loyalty is very high on Victor’s list of priorities and, once again, that bites him in the butt.

Which BB18 HG Are You?>>

At this point, it seems almost inevitable that Nicole will make it to the Final 2, most likely sitting next to James. The bad news for Corey is that he’s the most likely target next week. If he or Nicole don’t win the last Power of Veto, he is almost certainly going to be evicted in fourth place.


-This is Paul’s sixth nomination. Only 11 other HGs have been nominated that many times, if you include losing the Final 3 HoH as being nominated. However, he is only the fifth man to be nominated that many times, joining season 14’s Frank Eudy, season 15’s Spencer Clawson, season 16’s Donny Thompson and season 17’s Johnny Mac.

-Not counting season 1, this is only the fourth time that the Final 5 consists of four men and just one woman. It previously happened in season 12 (Britney Haynes in fourth place), season 15 (GinaMarie in second place) and season 16 (Victoria Rafaeli in third place).

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.