I’ve been cruel to April since the season began.  If you go on a show like Big Brother, you open yourself up to scorn and criticism.  It’s just the nature of reality television.  There is no alternative but to judge and be judged.  Unfortunately for April, she did absolutely nothing to acquire the good graces of the general public.  Sure, there are some April apologists out there, but you are vastly outnumbered by the April haters.  This is fine – don’t take it personal.  Some Big Brother houseguests rub me the wrong way.  April is assuredly one of them.  I will not be sad when she is (almost certainly) evicted tonight.  Nor will I jump for joy.  I will be completely indifferent, for it is with a heavy heart that I wish farewell to a legitimate foe. I may not have liked April, but it’s always nice to have an enemy around in the house.  Now who do I root against?  The defenseless and possibly senile old guy?  That’s no fun.

I’ll be here throughout the live eviction episode, updating with my live musings and vote results. Please feel free to smack talk your fellow man in the comment section below. 

I’m very happy didn’t use the PoV last episode.  He would’ve been in bad shape had he used it, methinks.

Good evening, Julie Chen. 

Renny looks like she just left a rendezvous with a mysterious paramour (I like to imagine they use such vocabulary in New Orleans).

I lose all respect for Ollie when he wears the popped collar.  Oh, how I hate the popped collar!

Dan says that he wasn’t specific with the monetary offer speech to keep the house on their toes.

Michelle REALLY wants to know who offered Dan the money.  She’s a little gossip queen.  She NEEDS to know.  Michelle says she looked at April’s face and is almost sure that April offered Dan money.  She couldn’t be wrong. 

Keesha makes it clear to Dan and Memphis that no matter what, they need to evict April.  They all agree. 

April and Ollie time.  April cries, saying they had no reason to put her on the block.  She’s pretty narcissistic, huh?  She brings up Keesha again, says that she’s jealous of her.  Really?  Of what?  Ollie? 

April and Ollie talk to Michelle, try to not only get her vote, but for Michelle to talk with Dan and get his vote too. Ollie tries to convince Dan to help keep April.  Dan is non-committal about everything.  Ollie is aggressive. 

Next, April gives a spiel to Dan.  She offers him money, anything, and Dan says he’ll think about it. 

This will be interesting – we’re going to see what Ollie and April’s families think of the showmance. 

I don’t think Ollie’s parents are actually watching the show. 

April has a twin sister!  And she’s better looking than April. 

Ha!  Ollie’s dad is not familiar with the term “showmance.”  God, Ollie and April’s conversations are straight out of bad romantic comedies. 

Let’s talk to the houseguests.  Ollie is scared of birds.  Yeah, yeah.  Dan was happy to win PoV.  Renny missed her family, hence the crying.  Lame questions, Chen.  Renny manages to almost cry once more.

Renny, in her floozy get-up, talks to Julie from the HoH room.  She says that what you see in the house, the goofiness and whatnot, is actually the true Renny. Good to know.  She is very wary of Memphis, and she wants to see him evicted. 

Both April and Jerry make their speeches, and are both upbeat and grateful. 

Let’s vote!

Keesha votes to evict April, and is happy to do so.

Memphis votes to evict April. 

Ollie votes to evict Jerry. 

Dan votes to evict April.  April gone, it’s official.

Michelle votes to evict April.

Julie tells April the bad news, and she hugs everyone.  She embraces Ollie, and then leaves.  Ollie, in the house, seems quite distraught.  Julie talks to April, and she has little of interest to say.


Uh oh.  This looks like an endurance challenge.  It’s called “King of the Jungle,” and it’s quite simple.  The players have hold on to a vine (rope).  The last person left on their vine wins the Head of Household.  They are getting rained upon, and the vines are lifted to about 15 feet off the ground. 

We’ll have updates on the HoH challenge throughout the night.  Stay tuned at BuddyTV. 

Ah, snap.  Julie lets is know that next Thursday is going to be a special DOUBLE EVICTION EPISODE!!!

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of BigBrotherCaps.com)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV