Aria’s assignment was a pretty dark one in Pretty Little Liars‘ “The Glove That Rocks the Cradle” as she ruined Alison and Emily’s nursery (and while she left behind an earring, she didn’t get caught.) Also, Spencer faced possibly being arrested, and Lucas had some explaining to do.

Here are the best quotes from “The Glove That Rocks the Cradle.”

Pretty Little Liars Recap: Is Lucas on the ‘A’ Team?>>>

“No, but I do remember unbuckling his belt in the elevator.”

PLL 716 elevator.jpgBarry: “Do you remember a joke you made to Detective Furey? About burying a body?”
Spencer: “No, but I do remember unbuckling his belt in the elevator.”

“It’s a computer repair shop, Caleb. The only danger I’m in is being bored to death.”
Caleb: “Look, I’m not letting you put yourself in danger.”
Hanna: “It’s a computer repair shop, Caleb. The only danger I’m in is being bored to death.”

“Don’t overestimate someone’s feelings for you, okay? It’s risky.”
– Emily to Spencer

“It was sent from A.D., alright? It might explode, it might poison you and it might poke you in the eye with a box cutter.”
Caleb: “Why wouldn’t A.D. pick up this hard drive on her own?”
Hanna: “Because it’s probably a weapon or something … How do you know it’s not going to explode once you hook it up?”
Caleb: “It’s not going to explode.”
Hanna: “Well, it was sent from A.D., alright? It might explode, it might poison you and it might poke you in the eye with a box cutter.”

“Shall I rewind it so we can see him back it over you?”
Alison: “Lucas will make sure that we’re rotting in jail before we ever find anything else to prove that he’s torturing us.”
Hanna: “It’s not Lucas.”
Spencer: “Hanna, he just threw you under the bus.”
Hanna: “I don’t care.”
Spencer: “Shall I rewind it so we can see him back it over you?”

Pretty Little Liars Theory: Was Spencer’s Twin Talking to Wren?>>>

“I knew pregnancy would come with some crazy erratic mood swings. I just didn’t think they’d be yours.”
– Alison to Emily

“You might as well head over to the high school. Seems like we never left.”

PLL 716 high school.jpgMona: “You didn’t tell them that I know about the game.”
Hanna: “I couldn’t.”
Mona: “They still don’t trust me? Fine. I’ll help you and your friends like I always do and then crawl back under a rock.”
Hanna: “Mona, come on. It’s not like that.”
Mona: “I have literally bled myself for you, Hanna, trying to protect you. How many times do I have to save all of you until I’m finally part of the group? Well, you might as well head over to the high school. Seems like we never left.”

“This story may be about Nicole, but my inspiration in work, in life and in every sense of the word is Aria.”
Reporter: “Is there another book in the works? Are we gonna get to continue your journey with Nicole?”
Ezra: “No, I’m afraid not. I am about to start another journey. I’m getting married to Aria Montgomery, my co-author, and this story may be about Nicole, but my inspiration in work, in life and in every sense of the word is Aria.”

“I love you.”
“I want to do this together … I want to be a family … Over the years, I’ve been in so many failed relationships, and I always made excuses why. But I know the reason. Paige tried to get me to say it, but I didn’t want to say it to her … I love you. You told me not to do this until I was ready.”
– Alison to Emily before kissing her

Pretty Little Liars season 7 airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on Freeform. Want more news? Like our Facebook page.

(Images courtesy of Freeform)

Meredith Jacobs

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV

If it’s on TV — especially if it’s a procedural or superhero show — chances are Meredith watches it. She has a love for all things fiction, starting from a young age with ER and The X-Files on the small screen and the Nancy Drew books. Arrow kicked off the Arrowverse and her true passion for all things heroes. She’s enjoyed getting into the minds of serial killers since Criminal Minds, so it should be no surprise that her latest obsession is Prodigal Son.