Read our recap of the Lost season 4 premiere: “The Beginning of the End.”

The return of Lost on January 31 is fast approaching and the excitement among Lost fans is palpable.  Even though there are only eight episodes ready to be aired, the third season ended on such a high note that one can’t help but be amped up for the new episodes.  ABC has obliged by releasing promos for the fourth season, including the latest full trailer which doesn’t disappoint.  ABC continued their release of quality goodies with a batch of promotional photos from the season 4 premiere, “The Beginning of the End.”  While nothing major is given away in these pictures, they’re fun to look at nonetheless – plus, we get our first glimpse at Michael upon his return.  Below you will find a handful of enticing photos from the January 31 fourth season premiere of Lost.

The first picture up above is your typical Losties on a mission picture, but I really like that group of dudes.  Any time you team up Locke, Hurley, Desmond, Bernard, Sayid and Sawyer I’m on board.  That’s a bad ass group.  I’ll take Locke, Desmond, Sayid and Sawyer in any brawl, anywhere. 

This picture is more of the same, but we can infer that Locke and Sawyer may be at odds here.  Which is not unexpected.

Jack and Kate share a touching moment, and I have to believe that something major will go down in their relationship on the first episode.  We don’t know how far in the future that flash forward in the season three finale occurred, but whatever happened to their relationship, it was major and likely happens during the fourth season.

Danielle keeps track of Ben while he’s tied up.  I always want more of this duo’s back story and maybe we’ll get some in the premiere.

Alex and Karl re-united.  This is the calm before the storm.

Sun and Claire are probably talking about babies.  I don’t think things are going to end well for Sun and her unborn child this season. 

Sayid didn’t get enough screen time last season for my liking.  Hopefully he’ll be back to his consistently bad ass ways in season 4. 

And, finally, we get our first look at Michael.  It appears he got a hair cut while away.

Take the BuddyTV Personality Quiz: WHICH LOST CHARACTER ARE YOU? 

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of ABC)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV