This week’s TV gossip and news –lovingly hand-crafted just for you!

Tara Connors wasn’t the first beauty queen to get into trouble.  For those of you who might not have been born back in 1984, Vanessa Williams from Ugly Betty was dethroned as Miss America due to nude Penthouse photos that surfaced after her coronation.  Proving there is life after scandal (are you listening recently-dethroned Miss Nevada, Britney Spears, um…well, so many of you young ladies in the limelight?), she has obviously gone on to do just fine for herself.  So she’s decided to take it all off again – tastefully – for an article in beauty mag “Allure.” (New York Post)

Speaking of…although she is not first and foremost a television star, she has appeared on the small screen (“Chaotic,” anyone?  Sadly foreshadowing title, anyone?) so I am beholden by the Gossip Code to also mention that Brit-Brit shaved her head this weekend, has been spotted wearing odd wigs and acting odder.  All in all: she continues to crush all her fans’ hopes about that post-K-Fed comeback we were all expecting.  (Perez Hilton)

Oscar Show Buzz: Word is that Sacha Baron Cohen has turned down an opportunity to be a presenter on the Oscars this Sunday.  Mark Malkin of E!’s Planet Gossip says that Cohen possibly “isn’t comfortable appearing before such a large group out of character.” So we might only catch a glimpse of him in the audience or if he wins…sniff.  (E! Online)

American Idol continues to dominate the ratings.  NBC calls it the “Death Star.”  CBS thinks it’s the “schoolyard bully.”  And its proposed additional airing on Thursday is striking additional fear into non-Fox TV execs everywhere. (New York Times)

Because it’s been a while: some Hasselhoff-related news.  “Hasselhoff endorses Nowitski for MVP.” I think this has to do with sports, but I know it has to do with the ‘Hoff, and that’s all that matters.  (Yahoo)

– Leslie Seaton, BuddyTV Staff Columnist


Staff Columnist, BuddyTV