On Monday, Heroes returns with the season’s sixth episode, “The Line.” Last week saw the introduction of Kristen Bell’s Elle, though since Bell has revealed that her character won’t return until episode eight, it will be up to Zachary Quinto to fill the “awesomely evil” quota.

In the upcoming episode, Sylar continues his journey with the Honduran Wonder Twins, West and Claire continue to bond, Peter deals with his painting of Montreal, HRG visits his Russian mentor, Suresh gets more involved with the Company, and Hiro faces White Beard’s army. For some exclusive clips from “The Line,” continue reading.

Before getting to the clips, many fans have become disillusioned by Heroes as of late, and I think I know why: the show is in a dreaded holding pattern. The producers clearly know where everything is going, but because this is network TV and not cable, they need to drag out 13 episodes worth of content into 22 episodes. As such, we get episodes where plots stand still or do a quick loop before moving forward. HRG abducted West. We know this, Claire knows this, and yet we’re stuck with several episodes waiting for the inevitable.

The same goes for Hiro, who’s literally been stuck in a loop this whole season so far. Peter’s been an amnesiac all the while, and the Hondurans have been leaving a trail of dead bodies in their trek to the United States. The frustration many fans feel isn’t because the show has gotten worse, simply that it has stalled. I have no doubt that, somewhere down the road, events and characters will meet up and we will get some truly amazing episodes. The problem isn’t the destination, it’s the journey.

Anyway, on with the sneak peek at “The Line.” The first clip is sure to be a favorite: HRG and the Haitian are interrogating HRG’s old Russian Company mentor. The clip gets extra credit from me for referencing Invisible Claude. And since I love picking things apart, will this man’s sons Andre and Mikhail play a role in the show? Does Mikhail only have one eye and the ability to survive multiple deaths?

Click Here for Clip #2 – Mohinder and the Company

Click Here for Clip #3 – West Eggs on Claire

-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image and video clips courtesy of NBC)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.