As one of the members of Team Bruno on ABC’s Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann, Kelsey Bourg is expected to encounter more opportunities as part of the winning group that has been awarded a recording contract with Hollywood Records.  However, triumph and fame haven’t sunk in just yet for this dance teacher from West Monroe, Louisiana.

“It hasn’t fully gotten into my head that we won and that all the hard work has finally paid off,” Bourg said.

Bourg, who is eagerly waiting to hear back from Hollywood Records to see how well their songs have taken off, reveals that she never really thought of herself as a singer when she was growing up.

“I sang in the shower and that was it.  I never really sang in front of anybody,” the Dance War winner said.

But that didn’t stop her from trying out, beating thousands of others for a coveted spot on the show. According to Bourg, her key to success is her faith, positive attitude and determination.

“You have to keep God in your life and you have to stay positive and just really keep those positive things in your life,” she said.

Of course, support from Bourg’s family and friends also helped and encouraged her to not give up that easily.  Amanda Coburn, Bourg’s best friend since daycare, considers Bourg as a positive influence and inspiration to other people.

“I think a lot of people now will go for their dreams because they’ve seen her go so far,” Coburn said of Bourg.

“I saw the potential and I saw the talent but most of all her love and her spirit of dance,” the Dance War winner’s mom Debbie added.  “It makes me so, so proud to see somebody achieve something like that when they’ve worked so hard.”

-Kris De Leon, BuddyTV Staff Columnist
Source: NBC 10 News
(Image courtesy of ABC)

Kris De Leon

Staff Writer, BuddyTV