Big Brother 9 has ended, and now the house guests have been released into the real world.  That means they have to be accountable for their actions and answer questions.  The media has had an obvious target in Crazy James who, it was discovered, dabbled in the seedy world of gay porn prior to entering the Big Brother house.  Also, the winner of Big Brother 9, Adam Jasinski, had to respond to his unfortunate “retard” comment early in the Big Brother season.  According to Adam’s former employer back when the comments were made, the Big Baller was probably not going to be welcomed back to his job.  Of course, they did not anticipate Adam winning the $500,000 and have since backed off their hard stance a little bit.  As for James, when confronted about his porn past, he responded in a reasonable and level-headed manner.

James and Gay Porn

In an interview with CBS 2, James had some very interesting things to say about his past in gay porn.  Being a somewhat intelligent guy, he assumed that his history would eventually be found out and made public: “The porn is what I’ve done in the past… I openly said I was bisexual, and that, something that I have done, I had sex with dudes. It doesn’t blow my mind, it shouldn’t blow your mind, you know? I just did it on tape, you know. And I did it in an environment that was conducive where I didn’t have to worry about a lot of things going wrong.”

That’s quite a matter of fact, open-minded response.  He doesn’t appear to be feeling much shame over this whole matter.  I wonder how Chelsia feels, if James truly is bi-sexual, and if he really does not have any qualms with what he’s done in the past.  And, don’t get me wrong here – I’m not talking about having shame for being bi-sexual and having sex with dudes.  I’m talking about doing porn.  This story probably isn’t completely over, but James did a good job of not fanning the flames.

Adam and his Money

Adam has backed off his pledge to give $100,000 to charity.  He also says that when he said “retards” in reference to the kids he worked with that it was a “heat of the moment kind of thing.”  This is a slippery slope, but for me actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words, and just because Adam made a slip of the tongue, that doesn’t undo all the good work he’s done, nor does it mean he doesn’t care deeply about the charitable work he’s done and will continue to do.  Adam, in a number of quotes from interviews yesterday, has made it clear that he’s not exactly sure what he’s going to do with his money, nor should he.  He needs to figure how much he’s going to take home after taxes, talk to some good money people and go from there.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image Courtesy of CBS)

Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV