Tonight should be a very good night on Big Brother 11.  Ronnie’s fate is all but sealed, and the rat should be evicted, barring anything crazy.  But more importantly, we get a new HoH, and even more importantly, we’ll meet the winner of Coup d’Etat, the single greatest power in the Big Brother game.  It’s this show’s equivalent of being God, or owning an iPhone.

After Michele refuses to use the Veto, Ronnie claims it’s proof that she’s untrustworthy and only out for herself.  Um, no, it just means she hates you, it has nothing to do with her trustworthiness.

Speaking of liars, Jessie tells Russell point blank that he’s never been in a conversation where Chima expressed an interest to backdoor Russell.  Flashback to week 2, when Chima said exactly those words while Jessie was in the room.

Then my brain started to hurt, because Chima brought Michele into Russell’s room, and Michele denies ever having said anything to Russell.  I have no clue if Michele is pretending to cover up her secret alliance with Russell, or if he’s really ticked off, or what.  Maybe this is some brilliant ploy to unnerve Chima, and if so, then it’s working because she goes into full-on diva mode.

From the absurdly crazy to the just plain absurd, Ronnie’s newest strategy is to make Jordan feel so sorry for him that she throws him a pity vote, not realizing three other people will vote to save him.  How dumb does he think she is?

The comedy level reaches new heights when Ronnie sneaks into Jeff and Jordan’s bedroom right as they’re trying to get it on.  If that’s not enough of a mood killer, Ronnie also claims he wants to exit the house with class, only he farts right after he says it.  No, that’s totally for real.  Now Ronnie has two nicknames: Rat and C-Blocker.

Julie Chen, pregnant in a bright yellow shirt making her look like the sun, chats with Russell, and he’s quite honest and open about not being so sure about how he’ll do once he’s not in power, recognizing that being HoH doesn’t last forever.

And now for the reveal of who gets Coup d’Etat.  It’s…JEFF!  Hells yeah!!!!!!!!  America rocks!!!!

Julie then asks everyone if the winner of Coup d’Etat wants to use the power, and Jeff keeps everything the same, meaning this upcoming week is his only other chance to use it.

Eviction Time!

During the speeches, Ronnie nearly cries because he knows he’s leaving.  Continuing the trend of great speeches, Ronnie calls Michele “the worst human being I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.”  OH SNAP!  That was awesome, even though I totally disagree with him.

Kevin votes to evict…RONNIE.
Natalie votes to evict…LYDIA.
Chima votes to evict…LYDIA.
Jessie votes to evict…LYDIA.
Michele votes to evict…RONNIE.
Jeff votes to evict…RONNIE.
Jordan votes to evict…RONNIE.

Yippee, Ronnie the Rat is evicted!  It’s stunning how quickly he fell back down to Earth once he wasn’t protected by Jessie as HoH.  Michele tries to take the high ride by telling Ronnie she never had any will will towards him, but he cuts her off and exits, stage right.

Julie asks Ronnie about his speech to Michele, and she turns it back on him to claim that he often played both sides and feigned loyalty to others.  He laughs it off and seems quite OK with his utter hypocrisy.  Jessie has a bromantic moment, and Michele confirms that she hates Ronnie and is glad he’s gone.

HoH Competition!

Granted, it doesn’t really matter, since no matter what, Jeff has the ultimate say this week on who will be the nominees.  The only people who will be safe are the winners of HoH and PoV, so this isn’t about power, it’s about survival.

This week it’s another installment of memory, based on all the messages viewers left for them.  The barrage of insanity began when Kevin saw a giant button and his first reaction was to “hit the bitch.”  Oh Kevin, that made me love you a little.

If you answer a question correctly, you stick around, otherwise you’re done.

Question 1: Michele and Lydia are eliminated

Question 2: Everyone is safe

Question 3: Jessie is eliminated

Question 4: Jordan and Jeff are eliminated

Question 5: Kevin and Natalie are eliminated

Chima is the new HoH!

Which means the Coup d’Etat will definitely be used, so next week will be awesome.  Unless they win PoV, I’m predicting no matter what happens, Jessie and Natalie will find themselves on the block next week.

After the HoH, Julie talks to the HGs, and Chima gloats about having lotion and power.  Sorry girl, you have no power. 

I’ll be interviewing Ronnie the Rat tomorrow, so submit your questions, and remember that I can’t spend the whole interview pointing and laughing.

-John Kubicek, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.