Despite the fact that Battlestar Galactica is coming to an end in its fourth season, executive producer and co-show runner Ronald D. Moore has told ifmagazine that the ending of the series has still not been decided on, instead they are keeping their options open.  Moore also gave some additional information on the upcoming Razor release, and its nearly simultaneous DVD launch.

Battlestar Galactica will end in season four, whether we are prepared for it or not, but what if Ronald D. Moore and crew aren’t? Should fans be concerned that the producers have not committed to an ending to the series despite asking the network to allow them to end it?  Was the move to announce an end simply jumping on Lost’s popular trend, as some have suggested?

In the interview, Moore suggests the problem with having an ending isn’t so much the lack, but the abundance.  “I have a general shape about how I want the show to end. We hold that out amongst ourselves as what the goal is, and then exactly what that means and exactly what each character’s fate is going to be and the precise time period that they find themselves on Earth are all things I still want to be flexible on.“ Moore told Ifmagazine’s Sean Elliot.

One possibility that cannot be ignored is that Moore is doing his best song and dance around what his intentions are.  At this point, for Moore to speak in absolutes would only lead to fans filling in the blanks and inferring spoilers from every bit of information that comes out along the way.  The finale of season four is, after all, still a long ways away.

On the subject of Razor, Moore said that the film counts as two episodes of Battlestar Galactica’s fourth season, but they will air together.  The DVD that is released the day after will contain additional footage.

Moore is still non-committal when it comes to labeling Battlestar Galactica’s series finale the definitive end of the story. Moore suggests that indeed, Battlestar Galactica could be revisited in the future, but offered no indication as to what form that visit would take.

– Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer

Source: Ifmagazine
(Image Courtesy of Sci Fi)


Senior Writer, BuddyTV