When a local gives bad directions: Take one drink.

When an Amazing Race team runs out of money: Take two drinks.

When the Amazing Race teams enter a new country: Take two drinks.

When the Amazing Race teams enter a new continent: Take three drinks.

When a contestant tells his/her teammate, “Don’t give up,�?: Take three drinks.

When an Amazing Race team’s car breaks down: Take two drinks.

When an Amazing Race team cuts another team in line: Take one drink.

When someone falls into something nasty, like mud, a river, a gutter, etc.: Take one drink.

When an Amazing Race team decides to do the opposite road block of everyone else: Take four drinks.

When an Amazing Race team is given a time penalty: Shotgun a beer.

When Tom or Terry Cry: Take four drinks.

When Erwin and Godwin take a moment of silence/honor something on the Race: Take three drinks.

When the Beauty Queens (Dustin and Kandice) use their looks for an obvious advantage: Take one drink.

When Sarah cites the lack of hydraulic fluid for her prosthetic leg: Take one drink.

When the 1st place team arrives at a destination only to find it won’t open until the rest of the teams catch up: Take two drinks.

When a team arrives at the pit stop and Phil tries to fake them into thinking they may be the last team to arrive: Take three drinks.

When Tyler and James (the models) high-five: Take one drink.

When you deem Tyler and James to have excess product in their hair: Take four drinks.

When Rob or Kimberly say something mean to each other: Take one drink.

When Rob or Kimberly say something nice to each other: Drink a bottle of vodka.

Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer


Oscar Dahl

Senior Writer, BuddyTV