This week on Bones, Brennan and Booth are out west on the set of Bone of Contention, a movie based on Brennan’s latest book. It’s a good thing they’re there because they realize a body that’s supposed to be a prop is an actual dead body.

Real vs. Make Believe

Brennan is none too happy with the production of the film, as it’s riddled with inaccuracies. And Brennan being Brennan can’t sit still — nor can she keep quiet — pointing out how the actress playing her isn’t cutting the chest open correctly.

The actress who plays Brennan is what you’d call typical Hollywood — blonde, big chested and not all that talented. The guy who plays Booth is hilarious because he’s a bit too eager to play an FBI agent and seems to always be in character.

The body found is that of the head of the studio — and it’s a good thing Booth and Brennan happen to be there.

Invasion of the Mother Suckers

Back at the Jeffersonian, Angela and Hodgins are helping as much as they can. They work with the guy playing Hodgins in the movie — he’s a botanist and knows his stuff. Brennan even says something flippant like why is he wasting his talent acting when he’s so smart? The guy says acting is his first love.

Anyway, the guy is able to identify the type of foliage found on the body, all while Hodgins is trying to discredit him. It’s pretty amusing but then he warms up to the guy, who has been trying to get Angela and Hodgins a cameo in the movie.

But then the actor remembers he’s seen their colleague — Cam — from a low-budget film many years ago called Invasion of the Mother Suckers.

Angela and Hodgins track down the director, who’s now a high school teacher and pretty much the only copy that’s now available.

An Enticing Offer

While Booth is investigating the death, he’s offered a job! He and Brennan can’t deny the fun that they’re having. And his new job wouldn’t be as dangerous. Disneyland would be right in their backyard, and they’d be near the ocean. Brennan doesn’t seem all too into it, but Booth continues to entertain the idea. In the end, when Brennan tells Booth that it WOULD be nice to be in California, he says he already turned the offer down.

Don’t Mess With the Plant Lady

There are plenty of suspects in the murder — any one of the actors, director and anyone involved with the production who had a beef with the victim. But it turns out to be the head of the plant trimmer, who’s called the Picasso of plant trimmers: Booth takes particular joy with the one of Bart Simpson.

Anyway, the killer got angry after the victim destroys one of her plants, and she snaps.

‘Bones’ Episode Quiz: ‘The Suit on the Set’

Esther Gim
Contributing Writer

(Image courtesy of FOX)

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Esther Gim

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV