This week’s episode had a different, but refreshing rhythm to what we’ve become accustomed to. Because Booth was stuck behind a mountain of paperwork at the office, his relationship with Brennan took somewhat of a back seat in “The Gunk in the Garage.”

It was all about the latest — and possibly grossest — case and Sweets and the annoying new agent, Sparling.

The episode worked because our favorite couple has been through a lot, and I liked that they got a bit of a breather here. But that may also be because this is one of the four “bonus” episodes that’s airing from last season. I still enjoyed it.

Show Booth the Money

That’s not to say Booth and Brennan don’t have time to squabble — they do. More specifically, the fascinating topic of baby strollers. Brennan wants to spend a lot of money on it, while Booth doesn’t understand why they can’t just get any type of stroller. 

Booth hoping to get a raise foreshadows just that: he’s asked to explain the department’s budget while also forecasting how much they’ll likely spend in the future, and to give a presentation about it.

And if he succeeds, it’ll lead to a promotion — and a raise. Cha-ching! 

Life in the Office

Except it’s not so easy.

Booth is a field agent to the core. He loves chasing down bad guys, yelling “FBI!” and being an all-around badass. Working on this budget report only gives him a taste of what the job will be like if he’s promoted. And we see that he’s not so organized and doesn’t have the patience to explain whether a bulletproof vest is a uniform or equipment. (I love this scene.)

He could never do that full time. Besides, we also see that agent instincts are always on, as he keeps asking for updates on the case. Furthermore, he won’t spend as much time with Brennan. So in the end, he’s totally fine with not getting promoted, if it means continuing to do the thing that he loves and is good at. 

And we’re happy, too! Besides, he completely ditches the presentation to go out in the field and do what he does best.

It’s interesting this subject of budgeting is brought up because it’s obvious the Jeffersonian spends a ton of money using state-of-the-art equipment, especially by Hodgins and his tendency to want to blow this up. All in the name of finding a killer, of course. 

He even does it in this episode, too: borrowing this huge equipment from the patent office to blow up a dummy he created.

The New Agent

With Booth and Brennan working from their respective offices, that leaves Sweets to take the lead on the case of a man who was blown up in a parking garage trying to get to his car. 

Side Note: Can we talk about how extra disgusting the crime scene is? I feel most viewers eat dinner shortly before this show airs — I know I do — and it’s not a pleasant feeling when you’re watching blown up body parts landing on Hodgins’ face.

Anyway, Sweets partners up with Agent Spalding. Not only is she aggressive with a possible suspect, but she totally discredits how Sweets’ psychology background is beneficial to the FBI. She can’t just waltz into the FBI and do that to a beloved character. On top of that, she kisses Sweets even after finding out she was with someone.

But the worst part? I kind of like it/them. I don’t want to, and I didn’t realize I did until he’s giving her looks when talking about being in a serious relationship. Or maybe he has lovey-dovey eyes because of the pain medication I’m sure he’s on after, oh, she shot him?

I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around that one. What’s the point of her shooting him other than her probably getting an adrenaline rush for shooting a gun? Even though it’s just a flesh wound, she’s complete careless. I don’t trust her.

Esther Gim
Contributing Writer

(Image courtesy of FOX)

Esther Gim

Contributing Writer, BuddyTV