Now that Willie has been expelled from Big Brother 14, Britney’s team is in dire straits. Since Boogie and Janelle’s teams are aligned, it’s obvious that Shane and JoJo will be nominated and if one of them wins the Power of Veto, Danielle will go up as the replacement nominee. And that’s EXACTLY what happens. I told you this was a predictable week. And it’s definitely unfair too, because this week is entirely punitive against Willie, no matter how hard Frank tries to blame the real victims.

The Willie Aftermath

While it’s kind of somber downstairs, Frank, Boogie and Janelle run upstairs and jump up and down because they know that Frank basically just got two weeks of HoH for the price of one. I’m so disgusted by the whole Boogie-Janelle thing, because a week ago she was crapping all over him. My biggest pet peeve is two-faced liars who act like they’re better than everyone else and somehow morally superior, and Janelle CERTAINLY fits that mold.

Boogie suggests nominating someone on their team to backdoor Shane, but Janelle is wary of this. Shane and JoJo are frustrated that they’re obviously the targets and it’s unfair because it’s all about Willie. They’re right, it IS unfair.

JoJo chats with Frank and he blames her for not going against Willie last week, which is also unfair. JoJo correctly points out that EVERYONE ELSE is sticking to their teams, but she’s getting punished for doing the same thing. It’s easy for Frank to say she made a bad decision by voting the way Willie wanted, but there’s NO WAY Frank would’ve turned against his own team if the tables were turned.

Frank’s self-righteous “You brought this on yourself” attitude is just obnoxious. JoJo and Shane were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t. The fact that Frank puts all the blame on them is just a transparent way for him to justify his nominations so he doesn’t seem like the bad guy.

The Nominations

Frank nominates Shane and JoJo, obviously. He admits that aligning with Willie is the reason they’re nominated, and in the diary room he confirms that Shane is the primary target.

Britney feels forlorn and blames herself. I feel a little bad for her because right now she’s in the same position she was at in the final four in season 12 when she was against the Brigade and there was absolutely NOTHING she could’ve done to save herself. Right now there’s absolutely NOTHING she can do to save both of her players, no matter how hard the show tries to make you think otherwise.

Boogie immediately tries to get Frank to suck up to Shane and JoJo on the off chance they win the Power of Veto, stay in the house and then win HoH next week. I get this as a strategy, but it doesn’t make it any less disgusting and two-faced, especially coming from Frank, who tries to act like he’s such a good and honest person.

Time-Filler Segments

We get to see Ashley waste a minute of TV time listing all the things she’s looking for in a potential husband. I may have to rethink my “Why I Love Ashley” op-ed.

We also get an America’s Vote for the next Have-Not food. The choices are:

Cereal and Salmon
Garbanzo Beans and Giblets    
Lima Beans and Lemons

How is cereal and salmon an option? That’s basically like not being on Slop at all. Please, America, don’t be THAT nice. The Have-Nots shouldn’t get to eat better than I do.

The Power of Veto Competition

Ian, Ashley and Wil are chosen to play in the PoV competition. The HGs not competing get to sit back and enjoy some margaritas while the six players are dressed like giant chips in a Mexican fiesta-themed challenge.

They must dive into pools of cheese and guacamole to collect food item names to match a menu. It’s a big memory challenge, which should benefit Ian because he has a photographic memory. Shane isn’t so lucky because he has a bad short-term memory while Ashley is dumber than a box of fajitas.

Shane is the first to ring his bell and lock in his answers followed by Ian and JoJo. Frank and Wil are next and Ashley takes her sweet time. But time isn’t everything, it also matters how many they got right.

Ashley got 13 out 16 correct.
Wil got all of them right.
Frank got all of them right.
JoJo got all of them right.
Ian got all of them right.
Shane got all of them right.

Shane wins the Power of Veto!

Go Shane! I love it when the underdogs win, and I like that Shane is fighting hard by winning the first two PoVs. Shane is ecstatic and Britney jumps on top of him in the guacamole pool.

Replacement Debates

Shane goes upstairs to talk to Frank and Boogie. Boogie tries to act like Shane wasn’t 100 percent going home. Shane sadly begs for a Final 2 deal with Frank. Boogie basically tells him not to talk to anyone else, including Britney, about their deals. Oh Shane, don’t be so stupid. Boogie is just using you and you’re falling for it. Why would you trust him but not your own coach? It’s not like Boogie has any REAL power.

I may sound like a broken record, but the coaches need to get the hell out of this house or come into the game as players, because having them sit around making all the decisions even when they have no actual power is just embarrassing for the newbies and infuriating to watch.

Danielle has an emotional breakdown because Dan’s new strategy is to distance himself from her so no one targets her just to get him out like they did with Kara.

Shane comes up with a plan to convince Frank to backdoor Wil. It’s not a terrible plan, and it’s surprising complex for Shane. But it doesn’t matter because even though Frank knows he has to turn against Janelle’s team before they turn against him, he doesn’t want to be the one who fires the first bullet in this war.

Frank also realizes that Shane is so stupid that even if they get rid of JoJo, Shane will probably still have to work with him. Sorry Shane, but you have no leverage.

So Frank nominates Danielle. As we all knew he would because he refuses to get any blood on his hands and is making the safest possible picks that he knows won’t rock the boat.

Tomorrow night, JoJo gets evicted. I suppose Danielle could go, but given how predictable and unfair this week has been, the tough girl who actually fights to be there is going home.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

John Kubicek

Senior Writer, BuddyTV

John watches nearly every show on TV, but he specializes in sci-fi/fantasy like The Vampire DiariesSupernatural and True Blood. However, he can also be found writing about everything from Survivor and Glee to One Tree Hill and Smallville.